Chocolate Shakes


Girl on a mission
Really Bizarre Question but does the chocolate shake smell really nasty like mouldy/musty smell as recent batch i had had load of bags that had exploded, and the intact shakes when i make them smell nasty, and the smell doesn't leave the room for hours :( and everyone is complaining:rolleyes:

Have i had a dodgy batch even though all in date till end of August x
I've got to say that I do find the chocolate shake has an unpleasant smell. It tastes ok but yes it definitely smells odd!!!! xx
.................ahh but Julie I think your senses have been numbed by all that vodka!!!!!Lol!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
.................ahh but Julie I think your senses have been numbed by all that vodka!!!!!Lol!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
lmao, i didnt have a choc shake yesterday and i only drink vodka on fridays :D
i love all the shakes nice and hot.
i love having the vanilla shake mixed with vodka and ice. tastes like baileys :D:D:D
Ive never noticed the smell before but when my mum was here last week she walked past and said ' whats that smell?' i was surprised as ive never noticed it and she smelt the mug and said yep it was that so it could be that we dont notice it and others do.
I always think the chocolate shakes smell musty, but they don't taste too bad. I do tend to chuck them down quite quickly so I don't notice the smell, though :)
I had a choc shake at a GP surgery last week and when the other staff came in they started complaining about a damp smell! :eek: I was mortified because I realised it was my choc shake, but I didn't confess. They probably all thought it was ME who smelt bad!!! :eek:
still no reply from exante but can't handle the smell so sticking with what i got left of the banana/strawberry and vanilla, till i go back to cd.

Wish it smelt nicer as tastes alright :D