Having a fab night, biggest problem is it has now become apparent Mrs 8391 is jealous that I have lost more than she has.
This has not been helped by all our friends commenting on my weigh loss.
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As for the running as I have increased the distance my speed has just increase naturally. I'm hoping to drop to one long run a week at 10.5 - 11 kph and two shorter runs at 12 - 12.5 , or even interval training.
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Yes came out deliberately so we could enjoy a few drinks to many. I have read to many articles about the dangers of drinking alcohol whilst in ketosis to take the risk. The plan was always to only do TS for 4 weeks. I could do it for longer now. But Mrs 8391 wants to do Slimming World again. I have convinced her to do 5:2 with SW as the normal days and TS for the fasting days. So it's a compromise.
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