Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

Thurs 8/12 - PV
So glad its the end of the working week for me - had 2 very hectic mad weeks another one next week when all the shop orders for staff and students go out and then ............ we can breath. must go shopping after work today its my handsome Son's birthday on Monday and will have to start Christmas shopping. Now have a few ideas so must get my rear in gear. MrR's works do on Saturday night and ive nothing to wear. Its just a meal so nothing glamorous.
3 people stopped me yesterday and asked had I lost weight I just said, yes (its obvious 3 st less) then its oh which diet have you done. The minute I say Dukan its 'oh I couldnt do that'. If I can anyone can!!! I now have a dukan buddy in the office and may have another 2 in the new year LOL. One of our tutor's announced to an adult class how much I had lost (I wanted the ground to open up) so again they all wanted to know how!
Its a PV today so salad I think with beef. Tonight not sure might just get something nice from M & S to celebrate the end of a very hard week - it will be very dukan friendly though. See you later guys xxx
You have been having an exciting week, I see. As for the promised photos of you hanging from a light fitment, please show!!!

I sense that you're finding the attention the new you is attracting a little embarrassing. It's true that, as a "larger person" I was used to mingling with the wallpaper. Enjoy the transition! Enjoy the compliments! You've deserved them and EARNED them. And it looks as if you're going to become an unpaid Dukan counsellor in the New Year! :)
Yes Jo you senses are right - i do get embarrassed. Hate to be the centre of attention always have fat or thin. I think I will be directing them to this site for advice as I still need it or will in a few weeks time :)
Hear hear to what Jo says Chris, you deserve to receive the compliments as you have been working SO hard on losing the weight! Well done :D x
Saturday 10/12 PV
Decided to get weighed this morning rather than tomorrow as Im out tonight with MrR and his work colleagues for a meal (tried to make it as D friendly as I can) so its......... -1 this week which makes 3 STONE!!!!! - Im so pleased with myself. Whenever go out and I cant eat something I goes on MrR's plate, he says he will be getting fatter while im going to be like twiggy ;) Have a good day Ive so much to do its unbelievable :) :) :) x
Hear hear to what Jo says Chris, you deserve to receive the compliments as you have been working SO hard on losing the weight! Well done :D x

Thank you Mirjam couldnt have done it without you and all the other lovely people on here. :grouphugg:

So 9lb to go my dukan date was 7th January but think it will take a bit longer although I do finish work on the 21st until the 9th so I will have more time for walking and more time for 'me' to relax etc. Its not a race anyway cant believe Ive almost completed the second phase of the Dukan Marathon. In July thought id just do it for 4 weeks - Ha

p.s. my friend at work has ordered some flavourings we have blackcurrant on its way missed fruit more than anything
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Well done chris :D enjoy your meal x
thank you Ellie looking forward to it it was a set menu so this was what I chose not ideal but ............
prawn cocktail & roast beef
cheese and biscuits (for MrR)

Another meal tomorrow night to celebrate my handsome 6'3" son's 20th birthday on Monday. Going to his fav restaurant but he doesnt know keeping it a surprise :) have a good weekend everyone x
Great to hear you on such a high and well deserved. Only a week or so before you can relax and enjoy the Christmas break. Have a lovely meal tonight and tomorrow, hope you son has a great day. Can't imagine my three year old getting to 20 and being 6ft3"! Mind you some days he might not make 4 before I get him adopted!!! LOL. Well done again! x
Well done on the 3 stone!! And have a lovely time celebrating your son's birthday. I'm the same as Trudy - just can't imagine my boy, who is four, being 6ft 3! It's annoying enough that my fifteen year old daughter is definitely, slightly, taller than me! Have a lovely time. :)
Well done Chris!! You are doing so well. Hope you all have a wonderful celebratory meal and you get some rest this weekend xx
I didn't think my son would get to 18 sometimes he's only an inch taller than me though .... Miss him terribly as he stayed behind when we moved as he had got an apprenticeship :( we are collecting him boxing day when we go back to see the families and he's staying here for a while as he's on holiday . I can't wait !!
No I couldnt imagine my baby boy growing into a man but .....he has a shock of long thick black hair and is now sprouting a little goatee - he is one handsome typically scruffy uni student young man! His latest trick is to pick me up and carry me from room to room I asked him why he said 'because I can now' :) My daughter is the same height as me 5'10" and MrR is 6'2. So we are giants.
Looking forward to tonight as its the 2 of us, birthday boy and girlfriend and my beautiful daughter and her NEW boyfriend. Going to cost a fortune but so worth it. My girl has'nt been here for the past 3 years as she has been in France with her ex fiance so its even more special.
I have loads to do today but still need to get my son something to open tomorrow morning (giving him some money to put towards a snowboard) so its off to town later unfortunately.
Meal OK last night prawn cocktail (just a drizzle of sauce), roast beef & veg (MrR had the roast potatoes, yorkshire & the cheese and biscuits got shared between one of his colleagues too) drank sparkling water so a good dukan night. Its wierd how I can leave new potatoes on my plate and not bat an eyelid. Not sure about tonight hope there is a special's board too.

Have a good day everyone :)
Ah well done for last night. What control. You are flying Miss Chris! Hope the shopping is easy and your not trawling through the crowds for hours! Enjoy the meal and the company. Good days!
Aww, so cute about your son carrying you around the house! Hope you enjoyed your meal and that there was a special's board too. You're doing fab on the diet Chris, when do you go on to Conso? x
Aww, so cute about your son carrying you around the house! Hope you enjoyed your meal and that there was a special's board too. You're doing fab on the diet Chris, when do you go on to Conso? x

Meal was lovely. I had smoked salmon and prawn parcel (small amount of cream cheese in centre)with salad and roast beef dinner with extra vegetables instead of potatoes. Sparking water to drink. My son Michael had sticky toffee pud with candles '20' in it. We all had a lovely meal and tonight he has requested lasagne so im just about to make that with garlic bread and salad - not sure what im having though probs roast chicken. Its lovely to see my grown up son having a good time opening his pressies and genuinely pleased with them. If he is happy then so am I :)
Good day at work busy and not much time for lunch (roast beef) but im hungry now x
Meal sounds lovely yumm
Delicious sounding meals... :)