Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

Happy belated birthday to your big boy!! Well done for staying so focussed x hope you re having a good week, nearly time for hols for you xx
Happy belated birthday to your big boy!! Well done for staying so focussed x hope you re having a good week, nearly time for hols for you xx
Thank you Couteaux my big boy had a lovely birthday - yes I finish work next wednesday really looking forward to the hols too. I have 8 coming here for our team christmas get- together. Mad busy this week house looks like a bombs dropped - oh well it will be sorted for Friday :) Hope you have a good week too xxx
Meal sounds lovely and glad you had such a good time. Not long till the end of work and then you can settle down to enjoy the holiday season. Well done for staying so focused!
Thanks everyone I've loads of craft projects in my head for next week once all the shopping has been done, graves to visit with christmas designs Ive made etc. I always donate money to the hospice where my sister sadly passed away instead of christmas cards. It is now a tradition that my son and I go to my mum & dad's grave first, we call with the donation, have lunch out somewhere and then a visit to my sister's grave. We both have a lovely day even though a very sad and tearful one.

So after work today (finish at 2) quick walk into town ......... more shopping, perfume, mp3 player (MrR) etc etc etc (im coming back a man next time) then home for housework =( See you later guys xxx
I'm mouthwatering here right now.... could really do with some food but only 3! days left on the shakes! Can't wait to be back on Dukan though x
Not long now Mirjam and then its proper food for you :) you have done brilliantly something I couldnt do myself but boy I admire you - Im starvin marvin at the moment. Waiting for my son to beautify himself then we are off to Tesco. I have a feeling its going to cost me because he doesn't usually come with me (he just eats it) LOL
Im cream crackered again hits me like a ton of bricks - waiting for the washer to finish, put another load in and then its bedtime for me - love my bed :) Dukan going really well but havent much time for anything else, my diet has to take priority Im being selfish for once!
Ive made a gorgeous heart shaped mossed door wreath this aft when Id finished work, it's really lovely. High winds here tonight so its going on my door tomorrow night - cant wait to see it on the door I will have the best dressed door in the village :)
That sounds lovely, I have a nice big door for a wreath but with the winds that pick up suddenly here I'm scared to put one on
I know Chris, am counting down the days... only today and tomorrow left on the shakes! I will have 1 shake for breakfast for a while though but can't wait to have a big, fat, juicy fillet steak! (Not fat fat of course, you know what I mean) Do you have any photos of your wreath, would love to see it x
I know Chris, am counting down the days... only today and tomorrow left on the shakes! I will have 1 shake for breakfast for a while though but can't wait to have a big, fat, juicy fillet steak! (Not fat fat of course, you know what I mean) Do you have any photos of your wreath, would love to see it x

Hi Mirjam go and get yourself a big 'fat' juicy steak may need to get a bank loan to pay for fillet :eek: but you so deserve it.
Yes photo to follow of the door wreath when I can get round to it will try on Saturday or Sunday when I actually see daylight - Mirjam if I say so myself it is gorgeous! Very natural with bark, orange slices, cinnamon sticks etc. and its heart shaped so modern but decorated traditionally :)
That sounds lovely, I have a nice big door for a wreath but with the winds that pick up suddenly here I'm scared to put one on

we will have to watch the daily weather report and bring our gorgeous wreaths in to protect them. Its the nicest one ive done love doing floral stuff will have more time next week to do more :)
The fillet is expensive but o so gorgeous! We have such a great butcher in Aberdeen who's turned into a good friend and all his produce is sooooo nice! We get our turkey crown from him as well. Looking forward to seeing the photos, are you posting them on FB or here? X
Saturday 17/12 PV
Sat here in a lovely tidy clean festive house except we have still to put up the tree - didnt get time yesterday. Had a great time last night with my 8 friends from work, im a very lucky girl having such lovely colleagues. I got some gorgeous pressies too :) I made chilli, rice, wraps & salad and for pud they had lemon cheesecake. Also choc cake as one of my friends has her birthday next week. Strange how I am not in the least bothered about stuff I cannot have. The dukan friend and I just had chilli & salad with caramel muffins and yoghurt for dessert. Im out tonight at my brother's his wife only eats plain english food so im hoping its roast dinner. hope everyone is having a good dukan day :)
Glad you enjoyed the meal with colleagues, sounds as if it was lovely. :)
Sunday 18/12 PP
For some reason I thought I hadn't lost any weight this week but I was wrong Ive lost another 2 so thats 44 lbs in 21 weeks - BRILLIANT. So 7 lbs to go.

Had something to eat at my Brother's last night and as per normal my sister in law did roast dinner it was very nice but not enough of it. She didnt agree with my regime plan (she is a nurse and smokes like a chimney but eh ho eating protein is seriously bad for you) so I couldnt be bothered going into detail about it - my lovely brother said I looked fab and whatever it was I was doing it was working. MrR was on my side too. Think she was a bit miffed I didnt have any of her homemade cheesecake but I am dukan selfish, I have to be, I made a promise to myself on the 25th July that I was going to try and do this. For once in my life, me and my regime come first. Do you all agree???

I have a necklace to make today, some little jobs to do and one humungous pile of ironing :(
Have a good day im off to change my stats :) :) :) :) :)
Well done, we both lost this week!! Funny how people can be hypocritical (smoking whilst saying too much protein is bad??) and I love the term "Dukan selfish"!! That is definitely what I am, my mother-in-law (who has been low-carbing for twenty years!!) always offers me red wine then looks so upset when I refuse. And believe me, I find it hard at times. Enjoy your day. :)
Well done chris your almost there xx
Hi CD & Ellie
Thank you - I was miffed too, it is hard work and difficult when faced with criticism but I can't cave in all for a slice of cheesecake. My friends at work dont bat an eyelid with my eating habits - they bring stuff in for me! One of my colleagues said that because I have been so focused its rubbed off on everyone else. My S-in-L is usually fine a bit stingy with the meat and 2 veg but other than that ............. LOL
Iv'e 2 Secret Santa parties on Tuesday with staff and students. Temptation there for some but not for me :) wonder who got me! We have one male in one class and of course it was me that got him!