Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

All our gifts bought, need to wrap them but before that I need to find the damn things - they are 'somewhere' LOL i hide them in obscure places so I've been told !!! xxx

I'm so looking forward to Christmas Day just the 4 of us - we haven't all been together for 3 years because of my daughter being in France. So I've decided I'm going to have a small glass of champagne just to celebrate my beautiful daughter being home.
And celebrate your fab weight loss xx ;-)

My last present finally arrived today apart from the tin of Chocs I need to get for my son phewww
Friday 23/12
Just had 3 prs of trousers on and had to take them off because they are far too baggy now got a pair on that I bought off ebay just to tied me over until I go on my exciting clothes shopping with Child no 1. They are a small size 14 and they fit - not bad eh! Lots of stuff to do today and tomorrow so I'd better get cracking :) have a good day everyone xxx
Amazing re the clothes size - bet you will slip into a regular 12 now if they are a small 14!!! Have a great christmas!
Amazing re the clothes size - bet you will slip into a regular 12 now if they are a small 14!!! Have a great christmas!

I know T, still quite cannot believe it - its one of the best christmas presents ive given to myself! To be healthy and well and feel that food is no longer constantly in my head (if you know what I mean)

Have a good Christmas too Trudy xxx
Christmas Eve
Up at 5.15 to take my lovely daughter to work - so Ive done the dishwasher, put a load of washing & drying in and now I want the other 2 to get up - loads to do and can't to it until they get out of their pits. Think I'd better have some breakfast (rumbling noises) must remember to get the turkey! xxx
Sounds like something I'd do - rush around like a demon all day, collapse in a heap at tea time, and then think - where's the turkey?!

Gosh Chris those stats are looking pretty good! Only half a stone to go! And it's obviously showing in the measuring tape too. Difficult to get used to being a size 14 again, wonderful though!

Have a good day!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you too Chris, and thanks for your support here as well xxx
Christmas Day
- 1 so im very happy on this lovely christmas day being 3 stone 1lb lighter than last year. My family are very happy with their gifts I chose for them so Im happy too and Ive got some lovely pressies too. The dinner is cooking and the turkey looks mighty fine. What else could a girl want on Christmas day other than be surrounded by the most important people in the world - her family. Hope everyone is having a good day too. :)
Merry Xmas chris, thank you so much for the support over the last few months xx it's great to have other ppl supporting me
26/12 PV
Today is another lazy day my son's girlfriend will be here later so its another Christmas dinner which im happy with. My daughter is at work and then going to her boyfriend's parents house. It was lovely having her home yesterday we both curled up on the sofa watching Downtown. Enjoyed the dinner yesterday and didnt have anything I shouldnt have other than a 1" square of M & S chestnut and pork stuffing. Throughout the day I did have some goat's cheese, the odd cashew nut etc and only 2 thornton's chocolates <would eat the box full pre Dukan>. All in all I think I did OK but last night I wished I hadn't. My family say I mustn't be too strict but thats how Ive got to be 3 stone lighter. Anyway today will be better im going to make some jewellery I think to keep me busy no more cashew nuts or chocolate.
Well I think you cheat was very modest especially for Christmas Day - no forbidden food passed my lips but lots of vodka did last night after the usual Christmas barney!!! Needed something to get me through the night after that and it worked but feeling a bit delicate this morning with no energy for mucking out 17 horses!
Dont envy you trudy, I've got out of mucking out the last 3 mornings hehe although the mess hubby leaves behind him is annoying
Tues 27/12 PP
Good morning - decided to get weighed this morning then I am well aware of the damage (although I didnt go mad) so its hovering between 1.5 & 2 lbs + ive 6 days before my normal weigh in on Sunday so by then it will be sorted :)
Yesterday I was bored rigid so thats not going to happen again today even if it means sorting the massive pile of ironing ive got to do. Hope to go for a walk today as well.
Tomorrow im looking forward to helping my dukan friend do flowers for a wedding but first we are going to the wholesale flower market ive not been to before - so it will be up early for me.
Think you did v well Chris, wish I could say the same :(

Staying in v smart hotel for Xmas, hot and cold running food and drink 24/7, and very little control over choices and cooking. Felt quite bilious to start with, and yesterday thought I'd made sensible lunch choice of roasted halibut, but it came smothered in oil - yuk! Dinner was lamb, so that was ok-ish.

Today slightly better, kipper for breakfast with poached egg, and hopefully salad for lunch will be better. Off to self catering cottage tomorrow so should be easier from now on. And I'm not even going near the scales for another fortnight, so won't be able to judge the damage yet.
Think you did v well Chris, wish I could say the same :(

Staying in v smart hotel for Xmas, hot and cold running food and drink 24/7, and very little control over choices and cooking. Felt quite bilious to start with, and yesterday thought I'd made sensible lunch choice of roasted halibut, but it came smothered in oil - yuk! Dinner was lamb, so that was ok-ish.

Today slightly better, kipper for breakfast with poached egg, and hopefully salad for lunch will be better. Off to self catering cottage tomorrow so should be easier from now on. And I'm not even going near the scales for another fortnight, so won't be able to judge the damage yet.

You will be fine - above all else enjoy your holiday it can be sorted when your back home :D
The ironing is done its taken me most of the day I had a gigantic pile everyone needs to take their pile now and put it away!!! I've been 100% PP dukan today so im a happy bunny. Hope everyone is getting back to 100% Dukan :) x
Wed 28/12 PP
Another good day - muffins, chicken, salmon and omelette. Yoghurt for pud soon. Im tired as Ive been helping to do wedding order flowers for a lovely florist friend from work. The designs were gorgeous in oranges, deep reds etc very beautiful winterish colours. Im at home tomorrow so hoping to do some housework and I might just get my sewing machine out to make some draft excluders and new cushion covers that ive been doing for weeks but ive never had the time. Im trying to make the most of it while im off :) Don't know whats on TV tonight hope there is something good on .......... doubt it xxx