How are u mrs? Loving the holidays? Xxxx
I'm OK, thanks everyone just busy with stuff, here and there with my gorgeous girl & handsome son. Appointments at dentist, docs & hospital, hairdresser etc ........ working in education all your appointments are taken in holiday time (not complaining). Feet OK now my little old feet were sore, so far don't think they have made any difference to the neuroma's, had another wisdom tooth out but was so glad couldn't have put up with that for another hour.

The 100th Tour de France has taken some time up :) but finishes today and I've loved every minute of it, my favourite sporting event besides the Olympics.

My lack of self control is on my mind 24/7 but I can't shake it off. Trying again from tomorrow nothing planned next week except for boring stuff, repairs to car air conditioning unit (all day of a job), waiting in for fridge repair man (all day of a job), dishwasher man (all day of a job), and delivery of fence posts. Great week planned - not! But I can concentrate on Dukan but I have my doubts this is now for me but what else - Oh I don't know! Trudy, Sid, Sara, Cheese, Pol, ST, Col, Maintainer PLEASE HELP BECAUSE I SERIOUSLY NEED IT ..............
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I'm OK,

My lack of self control is on my mind 24/7 but I can't shake it off. Trying again from tomorrow But I can concentrate on Dukan but I have my doubts this is now for me but what else - Oh I don't know! Trudy, Sid, Sara, Cheese, Pol, ST, Col, Maintainer PLEASE HELP BECAUSE I SERIOUSLY NEED IT ..............

Firstly............take a deep breath and calm xxx I would say don't start swapping and changing diet plans or your body wont know what's happening. and all diets are the same they restrict the naughty foods. You know Dukan works, why don't you forget about loosing weight for now and just conso, then your having all food groups and not depriving your body of anything. Then in a little time if you feel back in control and want to loose then go onto cruise xxx Get back to daily postings even if its a couple of lines.I feel by doing this it helps me be answerable to cheating and keeps me on a 'pretty' straight path..... Mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa kisses and hugs to you Chris, your not alone xxx
I just did 5 days of Attack followed by 10 days of Cruise again, to shed the 5lbs I had 'permanently' gained since being on Stabilisation and I have to say I found it very hard initially but had started to get into the routine of it by the end. In fact it was very like when I did it the first time around - started off eating loads of chicken and yoghurt, salmon and sugar-free jelly, then realised I would have to get more inventive if I was going to stick with it, etc. The weight loss was similar too - 3 to 4 lbs on Attack and another 1 - 2 on Cruise - a bit less than first time around but then I was much closer to tw this time. I guess what I'm saying is, Dukan will work for you again if you treat it with the respect it deserves. I remember clearly you saying that you didn't cheat once, first time around. If you don't feel you can do that this time then you may have to try something else, or wait till your head is in the right place again. Perhaps have a really honest think about what you're allowing to get in the way, and why?

I'm sounding heavy because I think you wanted to be taken seriously and I know being overweight is getting you down. Really good luck, Chris - I shal try to check in on you while I'm on holiday. Xxx
This dieting lark is not easy but I think we need to as Sara says try and find out what's getting in the way of us losing weight, with me, I'm a comfort eater and I know this I'm hoping once all this stuff in work is sorted ill he able to concentrate more. For the time being I'm trying to eat consciously when I eat I ask myself do I want this do I need it am I hungry is this allowed. If the answer is yes then I'm ok if it's no them it's about telling yourself that if you eat that you won't lose weight, is this what I want, no, then don't eat it . Don't forget to tell yourself that you can resist and you are strong enough to do this. When I gave up meat I told myself that I didn't like it, that seemed to work I still don't eat it. Minimins helps too xxxx
Great posts from the pair of you. I totally agree, Sara, that one needs to do Dukan properly else it's futile trying and perhaps even not great for one's health even to be yo-yoing and entering and exiting ketosis constantly and regularly. Once "clean", this diet is so easy it's untrue. But the head really has to be playing the game too which is why your question "what you're allowing to get in the way, and why?" is a good one.
(I'm typing this after updating my own diary so now I'm reconsidering again next week!)
just went back a page and saw Sid's post... great encouragement there too!
Chris - you mentioned the Tour de France. My OH is an addict too and I must admit that I got pretty into it myself (discreetly having the BBC webpage open at the "live" commentary at work!). I presume you'll be going in person next year? I've put the dates in my diary. OH will go most definitely. Probably Cambs to London leg though.
I just updated my diary... and am now reconsidering again (ha!). It's not as if I need to "start" a diet as such, as I do diet week in week out (although my weekends have been starting earlier than most with my travelling to rejoin my OH most weekends in the country by train - so I tend to buy myself a sandwich (plus other things!!) while I'm bored and waiting for the train. DUH! (Can't imagine pulling out a chicken leg at these moments, mind!)
All good advice thanks everyone.
I have no answers to why I am like I am at the moment. No reasons except I eat when I'm bored, upset and mainly it's become a habit oh and I'm greedy! That's it in a nut shell and probably fed up of fighting the sugar demons. Anyway had a long walk this morning, muffins for breakfast and eggs for lunch so far not too bad.

Walking back home from the village store a neighbour told me of the death of one of the villagers she was 26. Not sure how she has died. Her family are lovely and its such sad news. She was also a fabulous florist and was a student for a couple of courses so got to know her well. So sad for her family & friends. Makes you realise how lucky you are so in the grand scheme of things losing weight is nothing.

Jo I am obsessed with the Tour de France just love it. Its my favourite annual sporting event and I would love to follow it around France just need a camper van to park up on top of Mont Ventoux!! Harrogate will do for next year as its only around an hour and a half from where I live but I do want to stand on the Champs Elysee just once!
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Ooh, Chris, I know just how you feel! Then after overeating I just figure what the heck, might as well just continue! I love Dukan, I must say it was the easiest diet I ever did. But for some reason I just couldn't restart it, made a few interrupted attempts but just the thought of a diet made me sick. One of the numerous diet books I've read over the past few years said that once you forbid yourself certain foods your brain immediately rebels and just makes those foods more appealing. I don't know what happened with me but something suddenly clicked and I no longer have any forbidden foods, and somehow just knowing I can eat whatever I want, but I choose not to, has made it so much easier for me. I'm still sticking with a dukanish low carb/lowish fat principle but I never berate myself if I have something fattening. It's the awareness that has helped me, and so far it's working. I know I can have bread if I want it, but I never actually eat it and I don't feel deprived. Knowing I can have it whenever I want, and not having it, simply empowers me.

Sorry, long post here :) If you don't feel you can get back to Dukan don't try to force it, that doesn't work. I do agree with the other advice, maybe you can wean yourself back into it, or maybe you need to find something else. Always stay on minimins with us, though, whatever you end up doing we all love you and this is the best help you can have no matter what diet plan you follow! You will find what's best for you, don't give up hope :)
A life time battle, I always wish I had never gone on my first diet years ago, I was 8st 5lb and wants to be bikini boby ready for our first holiday abroad in the 70s, why didn't I just be satisfied then xxx
Gosh Sid... 8 stone 5lbs. How old were you? I dieted with my Mum as a child. We all know now that it's a bad idea, and I learned about stealing food from downstairs and hiding it in my bedroom to eat out of sight (I still hide things when bingeing but don't steal food. In fact, during a binge, I have been known to go out and BUY duplicates of things we have in so that OH doesn't notice they've gone!)

Chris - I've been to the Champs stage and didn't see a thing! Whooosh! and they've whizzed past and whoosh they're back, etc., and then suddenly it's over. You haven't a clue who's won the stage and you don't get to the see the prize winning ceremony either! People piled into cafés to try to see their TV afterwards! OK the atmosphere was good but, unless you're 2 metres tall (more even because some fathers kindly put their kids on their shoulders JUST before the riders arrived, grrrr!), it's pretty useless being there. (Mind you, now that my office is on the Champs, I could just stand on the balcony ;))

So what are we to do Chris? Boredom obviously must play a part, even though we don't think we're "bored" as such during our leisure time but ... I just reread the list of 100 allowed foods to remind myself of the additions snuck in since the French original diet. (The Dukan Diet 100 Safe Food List & Diet Tips)

Thanks for the link Jo. A few more things to choose from smoked mackerel/salmon for one and LF bacon although I have always eaten that on a Sunday. When you look at the list it isn't so bad is it?

I just need a good old kick up the old rear end! and to be a bit more creative and not get in a rut with food. Think I'm going to do cruise for the next few days see how I go but having more protein. I still don't eat pasta, rice and very rarely have bread or potatoes. I'm addicted to sugar again and if I'm being an idiot I can't stop ........ It's making me feel so miserable .............
Sorry you're struggling Chris. It's not as easy as it first appears, is it - I mean keeping the weight off.

I guess I'm fortunate as I don't have some of the issues with food others have, but I'm finding it hard work to keep the scales within what I've determined as my 'acceptable' range. But I'm not really questioning Dukan, since I actually like the food choices it offers me, I'm just trying to manage my tendency to cheat (or try to, cos I know it's futile!)

The first thing that became obvious to me in Stab is that the idea you can eat whatever you like post Dukan is total myth. You can't, at least not all of the time. Once I got over that, it's been a case of calling a halt to overdoing the treats which I know I can get away with a few of on a daily basis. But this is where knowing the effects of the different foods is useful - I snack a lot, particularly when bored/anxious/miserable. If I make sure I've got some Dukan friendly nibbles to fill up on, it at least takes the edge off the damage I could otherwise do.

That doesn't mean I'm chewing chicken legs all the time instead of biscuits. I admit I've been having probably more crisps, sweets, and cakes than are really a good thing. Hence the creeping scales. But I try to choose better - fruit instead if there is a choice, muffins to hand etc. I actually feel quite sick if I have too much sugary stuff at one time which I suppose is a good thing because it puts a limit on what I can stuff in at any one time lol! It's the small nibbles every day that are catching me out.

I'm getting bad about keeping up the exercise, and also about Dukan Thursday as well. If I could keep those up it might be easier to keep the pounds in check.

For me it helps to realise that tommorrow is always another day - whatever mess up has gone on today, there's always a possibility to put things right/ improve tommorrow. Hope things get easier for you soon.
Thanks ST good to read a post from you. I am OK just finding Dukan at the moment difficult well the idea of doing any diet difficult. Had a healthy lunch today and thoroughly enjoyed it but it wasn't Dukan friendly. Hummus, seeds, couscous, salad leaves etc. Thinking this is part of my stumbling block too because I adore all that sort of food. I'm thinking along the tracks of just eating healthily but with perhaps more protein thrown in for the time being. If I want hummus then so be it. Renata's post had me thinking, Supertonic's and of course Jo's from early did too. Thanks everyone it is much appreciated as always, as I do keep coming back for help don't I ;)
If humus is your weakness Chris then make your own the slimming world recipe is lovely and its better than shop bought xxx Better to eat healthy than not try at all xxx and as for keep coming back for help............isit that what we are all hear for xxx

(Jo I was 15 when I was 8st 5lb and managed to get to 8st with the 'orange diet lol I still have the sheet now xxx)
Chris... I managed to hyper motivate myself this weekend by logging all my food into It takes a while the first time, but then it's easy to copy meals/foods over. It was good to be able to plan to eat a bowl of cherries, see the calories/sugar contained therein and yet still know I was within my calorie restriction for the day (rather than thinking, well I've blown it now I might as well go eat chocolate!). Just a thought. I found it awesome! I've banned so many foods from my "diet life" that figure highly in my "non diet life" that I actually like!
Worth a try?