Christie's Fitness Diary

Tons of work yesterday (released new software) so had to start early. So no gym. Not a usual occurence, I was annoyed! OH golfing on Saturday, so will go to gym Sat a.m. to make up.

Thurs - 75+ mins cardio (sweated like a champ!), 30 mins upper body weights, 20 mins stretching.

Frankly, having trouble getting into the core exercises the physio gave me. Have to have a stern talk with myself.
Fri - 75+ mins cardio (was drenched!), 30 mins lower body weights, 20 mins stretching. Gawd, what a morning!

OH home today...oh joy...but going to golf shortly. I'm still busy with work stuff, but hope to get a bit of sunshine later.
Whew! Is it hot or what?

Sat - 80+ mins cardio, 30 mins stretching. Gym was a bit crowded, pool was packed!

Not sleeping well because of the heat (it's gonna be a long summer), so tired this morning going to wait and go to gym a bit later.
What a nuts week! 'net went out on Monday, what a hassle (I work from home and absolutely need the 'net), then we had workmen in yesterday to do work up in the loft (wiring lights, floorboarding, new hatch, etc), what a dang mess. All gone today, thankfully!

Tues - 75 mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights, 20 mins stretching. Dang, it was HOT!

Wed - 80 mins cardio, 20 mins stretching. Someone was really rude at the gym this morning, boy I hate rude people.
Had to get some work done this morning, so went to gym after lunchtime. I always get weirded out going at a different time, seeing different people, etc!

Fri - 75+ mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights, 30 mins stretching + core stuff.

Went back to physio this morning. I hate to say it's a waste of time...but...well :rolleyes: He added several more core exercises (leg lifts, plank and "superman" using fitness ball). Knee still hurts. Asked about xray, said that wouldn't necessarily tell us what's wrong. I left and went to Boots for ibuprofen. :sigh: I'm afraid I'm not all that impressed. I'm supposed to go back in 6 weeks. Can't wait. :silly:
It's gone off a bit chilly now...sorry to hear the physio is a bit namby pamby...I'm on asthma inhalers now (remember the persitant cough I've had since November last year?)...the preventer I am on mornings and evenings seems to be helping the cough, slowly but surely, it is going, not gone totally, but have to use it for 6 weeks to see if it makes a difference...bah!

You're so dedicated to this fitness diary, I was and then...well I am still training but...well, guess I must find the time's not suddenly just disappeared ha!

Way to go with your sore knee and shins are killing me too, nevermind, we shall soldier on!
Tues - 75+ mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights (ouch!), 20 mins stretching & core stuff.

I guess I keep at the diary for now since I"m on the computer to start work anyway, so easy to open a new tab and post. Keeps me honest! I am not thrilled at all with the physio. All well and good to build up my core, but meanwhile, the outer and outer back of my right knee is terrifically sore, and swollen, and I have no real idea what to do about it. I'm going to see my chiropodist tomorrow afternoon to get some normal maintenance (calluses, etc) on feet, but will talk with her a bit as well and see what she suggests.
Catching up!

Wed - 75 mins cardio, 30 mins upper body weights, 20 mins stretching and core stuff. Leg lifts, etc are really getting my gluteus booteus!

Thurs - 75+ mins cardio, 25 mins stretching and core stuff. Knackered!

Knee was very good yesterday (ibuprofen!), a little sore today so more ibuprofen. Went to chiropodist and got feet MOTd yesterday afternoon, she gets rid of rough skin, calluses, feet feel terrific now! Will try to go back to GP to complain about physio and ask why I didn't see a doctor or specialist!
Sat - 80+ mins cardio (I was dripping!), 25 mins core + stretching.

Knee was sore on Friday, so since OH golfing today anyway :mad: figured I'd go to gym this morning. Great session, it was pretty busy, but plenty of different people to look at to keep my mind off my misery, lol! Home to a nice shower and rub down with aromatherapy oils, then a bit of ibuprofen for the knee, now an hour of work and bunk off the rest of the day...:D
Mon - 80 mins cardio, 15 mins core, 25 mins lower body weights, 15 mins stretching.


Race for Life coming up on Wednesday, walking it with sis-in-law who is a couple stone overweight and never exercises. She assured me she has "all the kit", though! (Knowing her, it's all designer stuff and color-coordinated! :p) So I'm bringing blister plasters and water for her, worried she will have a bit of difficulty. But she's really nice, love her to bits!
Good luck with the RFL on Wednesday.

Hope your knee eases up soon. Have you been back to the doc's yet? x
Tues - 75+ mins cardio, 30 mins stretching and core.

Yes, went back, saw therapist, same crap; didn't get to see a real doctor, so don't know what exactly the problem is. I'm not very impressed. Right knee is still sore, I'm taking ibuprofen to keep it going.
Race for Life was terrific!!

Sis-in-law (very unfit and several stone overweight) and I did it together, she had a hard time and I had to drag her uphill, but we finished! Walked fairly briskly most of the way, she had a hard time but did it, we jogged a bit as well. It was on grass 75% of the time so that was a challenge! We finished in about 47 minutes, which is great. Very inspiring, ran into friends there, hard to not cry reading all the back dedications. Will def do it next year! Will post a pic when I get them from brother-in-law.

Took Wed and Thurs off from gym due to walk; nervous about knee. A bit sore today but not so bad, so will go back to gym tomorrow.
Congrats on the RFL hun. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hope your knees get better properly soon. Have you been back to the doc? x
Sun - 80+ mins cardio (sweatin' it!), 30 mins core + stretching.


Took a few days off, knee was sore and wanted to hold off on ibuprofen for a couple days. OH and I emptied his shed out Saturday and moved stuff to storage (that was a real job!) and then tore the old rotted greenhouse half of it down (bricks, wood, glass...). I know I was burnin' some calories!! A lot of lifting and carrying, for hours and hours. So that was a workout in itself! Was in the mood for the gym this morning, so had a great session, we will finish the other part of the shed this afternoon after his golf. He'll be building a new one and new greenhouse, can't wait!

Knee is still a bit dodgy, Frijj, but ibuprofen is helping, and I'm doing more core work than before so that may be helping.
Decided to take a week off to give the knee a break. After my session last Sunday, it was very achy and stuff the rest of the day and evening, and sore even when I got up. So I had a week's break, although I've done a lot of chores, and walked around the golf course on Saturday for a ladies' putt competition. Feel much better! Knee is still a bit sore, but not as bad as it back at it!

Mon - 75+ mins cardio (was :tear_drop: dripping! :tear_drop: ), 30 mins core + stretching

Hope everyone is well. Sad about Michael Jackson...what a waste.
Tues - 75+ mins cardio (gawd, soaked!), 30 mins lower body weights, 20 mins core + stretching

Boy, did that shower feel great afterwards! The heat is making me so tired, hard to sleep at night (have fans on but still...), so tired during the day.
Whoa, forgot to post rest of last week! The heat really took a toll on me, didn't sleep much for several days, was really miserable. So I welcome the breezes!

To summarize, did my normal Wed/Thurs/Fri...75 mins cardio per day, plus 30 mins core + stretching.

Hosted a 4th July BBQ on Saturday, it was fab, had my flag and bunting out! Yay!

Mon - 75+ mins cardio (drenched!), 30 mins lower body weights, 30 mins core+stretching. Whew!