Christie's Fitness Diary

Wed - 75+ mins tough cardio (plus 20 mins strecthing); did my jogging intervals for 20 mins this morning with wrap on my right knee. They went ok, but outside of front of knee looks a little bruised and swollen, very weird! Think I'll do the jogging intervals every other workout day rather than every day and see if that helps. Does make me think there is an imbalance in my structure.
Wow, how fit are you??!! :eek: I was just saying to OH this evening that I'm gonna try & increase my exercising from next week & then I found your tread. Very interesting. Keep up the good work!

Can I ask something though? Are you still losing weight doing this amount of exercise or do you "eat more" to compensate?

I'm still on the losing weight journey so I'm hoping it'll help me along a bit quicker but I was just interested as you look like you're at target. x x :)
A bit behind on posting...first, the catch-up!

Thurs - rest day. Knees very swollen.
Fri - 75 mins cardio, 20 mins stretching. Used bio freeze on knees first, and ibuprofen, seemed to help. Did a few jogging intervals but not much.
Sat - rest day (so to speak!). Ended up doing some gardening chores and running around errands, knees very sore when trying to kneel in garden to weed.
Sun - 85+ mins tough cardio, it was great! Used bio freeze again on knees and ibuprofen, and wore my knee supports to keep them warm, they feel much better. Still some swelling but not as much, and not so sore.

Are you still losing weight doing this amount of exercise or do you "eat more" to compensate?

I'm not trying to lose any more weight, but am down to a size 12 which I'm very happy with. I have gained a little muscle, which would increase my scale weight, but my body fat percentage has gone down, as well as my measurements, so I'm very happy with that. I do eat more than when I was strictly dieting, but I don't eat junk anymore, am careful about eating plenty of protein and healthy carbs. I eat healthy and it does wonders for how I feel! :D
Mon - 80 mins tough cardio *sweat*, 20 mins stretching. Always strange @ gym on a holiday, different faces. Knees slightly swollen and sore, but biofreezed them and didn't do any jogging, but walked 20 mins at #10 incline, 4.2mph, they were fine.

We're gone for a few days, our anniversary is Wednesday so we're heading to Durham, to see cathedral, and then up to the Wall. Need a break, work is really getting to me right now. GRRRR! Anyhow, behave yourselved!
Happy Anniversary! Have a relax and come back refreshed...
I'm baaack! :D Did a lot of sightseeing, lots of walking as well, along Hadrian's Wall, it was great. Weather was fairly atrocious, but I'm coming to expect that. Actually got back Thursday evening, but had so much work to catch up on I didn't get to gym yesterday, just hit the keyboard.

Sat - 90 mins cardio (about 80 mins of it very intense!), 20 mins stretching. whew!
Housework on Sunday....argh! *hate housework* Plus OH didn't golf Sunday, so my whole day's routine was shot. Oh, well.

Mon - 70+ mins cardio, 20 mins stretching. Then more housework at home :eek:

I've noticed my portion sizes have crept up a bit, so decided to nip that tendency.
Yep I have been carb craving and eating more lately too, but I think I need it, my body seems to be fighting something and also am getting ready for some ultra training this coming week when my legs have recovered and my blisters have subsided (damn, the first time I have ever had blisters on a run and it had to be the 10km!)
Yeah, your training intensity is much higher than mine, Nex, plus your BMR is probably a lot higher. Remember, I'm well into middle age, lol! :cool: I've started paying more attention again, like I should have all along. It's not huge amounts, but those little bits can get away from you. I did splurge last week while we were away, nothing totally outrageous, although I did have an order of chips which I never eat. (they were home-made real potatoes, a treat!)


Tues - 75+ mins cardio, 20 mins stretching.

Have my physio appointment finally this Friday, to see what is going on with my knees and my stance and jogging etc. I've laid off the jogging intervals, knees were getting too sore and I"m nervous of overdoing with them. :mad:
Wed - 75+ minutes cardio *puff*, 20 mins stretching. Was drenched!

Did a sneaky little jogging interval and was disappointed that my right knee protested immediately. Wasn't even jogging fast. Went back to very fast walk and it was fine. :sigh:
Thurs - 75+ mins cardio, 20 mins stretching. Hamstrings felt pretty tight today, did some extra stretching on the power plate, hope that helped.

Tomorrow's the day for the physio appointment. I haven't done my weights in a while, as I noticed my knees were protesting at that as well, don't know if one started the other. Got to get that motivation sorted out, that's for sure. But anyway, hope they can help me with the knees issue...will go to gym tomorrow a.m. as usual, appt is later in the morning.
Good luck at the physio tomorrow. x

(can't wait till I'm as fit as you!)
Good luck at the physio tomorrow. x

(can't wait till I'm as fit as you!)

Yes, fingers crossed at the physio and I do hope your knees hold up and behave...well you know what I mean. My shins are still aching like gooduns, but that is to be expected, still running through it (with a 15kg powerbag today, beep!)...

And Frijj, you will get there, it takes time...but sure enough you will be there and feeling even better...
Fri - 75+ mins cardio *puff* including a couple mins jogging (to pay attention to knees), 20 mins stretching.

Well, had the long-awaited physio appt today (waited almost 90 days for it :eek: ). I'm not certain I'm all that impressed, to be honest. I went prepared; had running shorts on under my jeans, took my trainers and knee supports, etc. Didn't see a doctor, saw a therapist. Asked questions, had me do various movements, walk back and forth, was surprised I brought all my stuff. Right leg appears slightly longer than the other (about quarter of an inch) but he says that shouldn't throw me off much. :confused: Leg strength very good, but core strength (in lower torso, gluteus booteus [as I call it]) not that great. Suggests I work on core strength, gave me 3 exercises to start with (clamshells on side, hip raises, and sideways hip raises while standing on stair). Will see him in 3 weeks, may also see podiatrist. Says not to do jogging intervals or stuff like leg presses if my knees bother me. DOH! Didn't have me jog on treadmill or anything like that.

So I'll look at finding a pilates class, see if that helps as well.
Out and about on Saturday with OH, hit a bit of rain, but some sun as well. Did some errands and some touristing as well! Have errands to do today, giving myself the weekend off from the gym. Calves are very tight, will do some stretching out later. Looks like OH will get drenched playing golf today...*evil chuckle*
Tues - 70+ mins cardio, 20 mins upper body weights, 20 mins stretching. Knees sore today.

Go for massage this afternoon, then treating myself to dinner out, OH is golfing this afternoon evening. So no kp for me, yay!
Wed - 75+ mins cardio, 20 mins stretching. Have been doing my core stuff at home, but did at gym this morning, was ok, but the matts are pretty grubby :yuk: which gives me the creeps, so may continue to do my core stuff at home instead.

Massage was good, but lower calves (achilles tendons) very tight so got to work on stretching those out some more.
Did I forget to post yesterday? Sheesh!

Thurs - 75 mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights, 20 mins stretching. Right knee seems to be ok while exercise, but then feels a bit swollen and sore later. Hmmm.

Fri - 75+ mins cardio, 20 mins upper body weights, 20 mins stretching. Right knee definitely not 100% happy. Have a lot to do today, plus going to rugby game tonight, so taking antiinflammatory to calm it down. GRRRR.

Will take weekend off, rest knee (and the rest of me), although I'll be busy!
Woo hoo! 3 days off (and lots of work in the garden, so not a layabout weekend), feel much better. Right knee feels about 80% ok. Still a tad sore but not that bad.

Tues - 75 mins cardio, 25 mins lower body weights, 20 mins stretching.