Christines Refeed Week

Day 5's menu....

Day 5

Breakfast: Lipotrim Shake

Lunch: Chicken (cooked in the oven in foil will a squirt of lemon juice, sprinkle sea salt, and black ground pepper ), salad consisting of 4 cherry tomatoes, ¼ cucumber (peeled), couple of thin slices of red onion, 1 mushrooms sliced, ramini lettuce and half a lemon, juiced over the lot, small splash of sea salt.

Dinner: Chicken with cauliflower cheese.

Water (ltrs): 3L water, 6 decaf black coffees

Snacks: 6 green grapes and 2 tablespoons of natural low fat yoghurt

Feelings: Starting eating lunch at 1pm and finished it at 1.30pm, wasn’t really hungry again, though it took me a while to eat it I really enjoyed it.

Dinner was nice, was a change to have cheese. I was actually ready for dinner tonight, though I wasn’t starving, I did feel like I was getting hungry, so that was a first for me so far on the refeed, which was good. Feeling satisfied.
Another great day! Well done you! You're definitely finding your way and enjoying all the flavours! Xx
ooh cauliflower cheese!!!! yummy.
Here's day 6 menu....

Day 6

Breakfast: Lipotrim Shake

Lunch: 2 slices of weight watchers bread, on one of the slices I spread the smallest amount of horseradish sauce, 6 slices or wafer thin lean ham and salad, salad was 4 cherry tomatoes, quarter of cucumber, couple slices red onion, lettuce.

Dinner: Chicken with vegetable stir fry cooked in small amount of balsamic vinegar and water with a dash of hot chilli sauce, .

Water (ltrs): 4L water, 6 decaf black coffees

Snacks: 6 green grapes and 2 tablespoons of natural low fat yoghurt and a cheeky mince pie and the chocolate whip maintenance packet

Feelings: Felt pretty good about eating today, wasn’t really hungry when it was time to eat but once I got started it was ok and I enjoyed both meals even the cheeky mince pie that stayed on my desk for 2 hours looking at me before I ate it!

Onwards and upwards, tomorrow is another day.

Had to take 2 senna tablets tonight as haven't been for a number 2 since I started eating again, but that's nothing unusual for me!!!
Menus look lovely :) I'm following your re feed making sure I'm making good choices for my own!:) hope you have a good WI Christine :)
I second that, hope you have a good weigh in too! Is it tomorrow or sunday? Xx
Day 7

Today was not a very good day for me for many reasons.....

I had to be in hospital this morning at 7.30am,(was having a procedure done on my wrist), so was really to early at that time to have anything to eat, so I took the caramel maintenance bar with me and had that around 9.30am. Though I was told that I would probably be in the hospital all day <they have to cover themselves with times> I was told that I would have my procedure in the morning time, which I did at 11am, however, I have an auto immune condition, therefore, some of the drugs that were used in the procedure, reacted with my body so ended up staying in the hospital for most of the day till they thought I was stable enough to come home. Because I was there for so long they didn’t have any food to offer me apart from packets of biscuits, so I have to admit I had 2 packet of biscuits <3 per pack> because I was so hungry (first time for me on refeed that I have been really hungry). When I got home which was 3.30pm, I made myself the summer fruits maintenance shake and then at 7pm I had a small tub of low fat cottage cheese with pineapple and a hand full of green grapes.

So, I feel a bit cheated today because I couldn’t carry out my day 7 refeed the way I had planned :(

Anyway, I have outlined below, what my actually refeed would of been had I of been able to do it today, because I know some of you are following my refeed, therefore steal/adapt any of my menus as you see fit :)

Breakfast: Caramel Maintenance Bar

Lunch: Low fat cottage cheese (with pineapple), Lettuce, quarter cucumber, 4 cherry tomatoes, half grated carrot, 2 slices of brown weight watchers bread

Dinner: 2 skinny omelettes (made out of one egg), stuffed with lettuce, cucumber, 4 cherry tomatoes and spinach with a pinch of fresh coriander and cottage cheese

Water (ltrs): 2L water, 5 decaf black coffees

Snacks: 6 green grapes and 2 tablespoons of natural low fat yoghurt

Feelings: as above and still feel bloated as still haven’t been the toilet to have a bowel movement so I have taken some exlax, which I know work for me.

I will get weighed in the morning, but at the moment I feel like a whale, probably because I haven’t been to have my bowels opened.

I will post up my weigh in weight in the morning.

Good luck everyone with your refeed and maintenance plan.
Oh Christine, sorry to hear you've had a bit of a crappy day. I think you have dealt with it really well and ate the best you could in the circumstances. It's annoying when our plans get thrown out the window! Hope the procedure went well. Good luck for the morning. xxx
thanks Emma, Im a little delicate at the moment, but I'll be ok in a few days.

I also added 2 albums, one of before lipotrim and one from this week, not very flattering but you will see my weight loss :)
Wow! What a difference! You look amazing. Well done, you should be super proud. Xx
just weighed myself this morning after a weeks refeeding, 63.8 kilo's (10st 0.7lbs) is not where I wanted to be!! hope I don't lose anymore, I'll start looking anorexic!!!

Thats a total of 36lbs (16.3 kilos) in 8 weeks and 5 days weight loss.
So how much u lose in Ur refeed week hun ?
Have you started a maintenance thread? Hope all is going well with you.