Hello Hello, decided to wander in.
What I'm worried about is the chocolate bomb! We always spend Christmas at OH's parents (Mine are in Switzerland and if I do it here I know I will go OTT and cook for 5 million people and the dogs will have human food for ages as well and they will also get fat and have to join slimming world with me.)
But yeah, OH's parents always buy a chocolate bomb. I know I will want it. With cream poured over.
I'm thinking I will choose carefully. Fill up my plate with christmas veg (Sprouts.. I may have to find a yummy way of cooking them before and insist on doing them..) only have one yorkie pud, only small bits of stuffing.. And flexi syn as well (I will get that chocolate bomb in!) or replace pud with something I'm allowed.. May make one of my swiss rolls as they're amazing, and I could do chocolate cream instead... hmmmm...
I'm also going to buy a lot of fruit to fill up on during the days (Went to OH's parents beginning of this month and I lost 5.5 lbs that week due to filling up on fruit) and I will also start to practise (and share

) Christmas cooking/recipes but adjusted to the SW way. I love cooking so it will be something fun for me to do.
I'm thinking for cream and stuff I'll bring an aerosol container thingie of the lightest cream I can find (anchor light is 1 syn for 12.5g) so that will be better than double cream poured over pudding, and I will also look into low synned wines so I still have something to drink.
What I want to do is christmas sausage rolls, small ones for a syn or so each. I'm thinking pork and apple and OTT savoury (I love savoury) beef ones. I will have to start practising soon though for how many different things I want to do.
I now have december as a goal for getting downstairs sorted with the floors and painting of walls. And I may try to get the halls done for then as well.. And the stairs nicely carpeted. Then downstairs can be lovely and christmassy!
I want a real tree (Dogs had better not eat it) and the full works. I'm going to play christmas music 24/7 to pee off OH as well. I may start listening now!!