Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

I lost nearly 3 stone and then went to America for a month - the worst place for unhealthy food, so trying again, it's so hard keeping it off! I'm just trying to get back into exercise at the mo, so difficult! XxX
Wow where did u go in America? So jealous I've always wanted to go to America :)
Bet the food was amazing though ;) xx
Wow where did u go in America? So jealous I've always wanted to go to America :)
Bet the food was amazing though ;) xx

We travelled, so a little bit of all, hoping to go back next year. But the food was gorgeous, so fattening and very very sweet, but so good!
We travelled, so a little bit of all, hoping to go back next year. But the food was gorgeous, so fattening and very very sweet, but so good! XxX
Wow sounds awesome. There's so many places in America id like to go, like California, Texas, New York etc. Did u ever try White Castle burgers? Apparently people buy them in 4's! Xx
Wow sounds awesome. There's so many places in America id like to go, like California, Texas, New York etc. Did u ever try White Castle burgers? Apparently people buy them in 4's! Xx

No we didn't, I've had one before as went to NYC, it was lovely but they are very small! Still 4 is a bit much!!
If I go to America I'm coming back 12st heavier, well my case will be because I will have smuggled Dean Winchester home with me mwahahahaha xx
Lol who is dean Winchester?
*runs and hides for cover* xx

Lisa, we have ourselves a Winchester virgin....:O

He's a deliciously handsome TV character from the show Supernatural!
I can't upload pics :(
Just googled him.. My oh my! Now I'd like to do more than google him! Ha ha x

Welcome to the Winchester fan club :-D xx

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He's even better on tele where he's all angsty and yummy! Excuse me, I'll just be drooling over here!
His on screen brother isn't bad either xx

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Eurgh, got through half of L1 30DS and have done my leg in! There go my plans for an exercise filled Sunday! My outer thigh has gone "ping!", going to cover it in deep heat and rest it, try again tomorrow. Did do 20 mins on the cross trainer yesterday so not totally wasted, but a bit annoyed.