Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Aww you poor thing sounds like fun. NOT! Exercise can wait you need rest and boy looking after you, take it easy and don't work tomorrow if you're not up to it xx
Morning treacle are you feeling any better? xx
Morning Hun,

Feeling 90% better, good enough to be back at work and back on diet! Going back to SW I think, as CC means I'm eating too much bad stuff.
Still not feeling 100% or up to much exercise, but if I can just get the food right this week I'll be pleased!

Thank you all for the lovely messages and apologies for the absence!

Breakfast: Apple (not light on purpose, car broke down this morning so breakfast of scrambled eggs is now sitting in a broken car outside of doggy day care probably doing all sorts of disgusting things)
Lunch: Spinach, rocket, ham and pickled onion salad
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Chorizo (5) and philli (HeA) stuffed mushrooms with butternut squash mash and green veggies

I'm missing a HeB, so may have some toast and butter for 2 extra syns if I'm peckish - need to go over the list of them as I've forgotten! Why oh Why does ice cream not count as a Healthy extra?

Plan is to try some squats and free weights later as they're fairly static - head can't cope with the bouncing that is Jillian or Cardio!

Ah yay I'm glad you're on the mend. Being ill is no fun at all! Your eggs are going to smell nice and ripe soon, good luck with that lol

Don't talk about icecream I need some B&J's peanut butter me up in my life today, could wolf a whole tub all to my greedy self but will be good and have a cup of tea instead. Bouncy heads can wait until you're better but food looks yummy xx
Ah yay I'm glad you're on the mend. Being ill is no fun at all! Your eggs are going to smell nice and ripe soon, good luck with that lol

Don't talk about icecream I need some B&J's peanut butter me up in my life today, could wolf a whole tub all to my greedy self but will be good and have a cup of tea instead. Bouncy heads can wait until you're better but food looks yummy xx

Oh I'm dreading them, so disgusting!!

Mmm peanut butter ice cream, gimme! I'm not pregnant, but I keep getting mad food cravings!!
Maybe your body just needs something it's missing or it just knows you're trying to lose weight and it's sabotaging you xx
Maybe your body just needs something it's missing or it just knows you're trying to lose weight and it's sabotaging you xx

I think it's going "I'm not ready to give all this up, I've had no warning, feeeeeeeddd mee" Unfortunately I don't think my body needs anything resembling Indian, roast or ice cream - bum!
The icecream definitely not but maybe the protein from the roast? At a push? lol Just trying to help a sister out ;) Haven't had a proper Indian in ages my korma always comes out of a jar xx
The icecream definitely not but maybe the protein from the roast? At a push? lol Just trying to help a sister out ;) Haven't had a proper Indian in ages my korma always comes out of a jar xx

We had Indian last night but wasn't feeling great so didn't have much, so I have unfulfilled cravings! :p Maybe the ice cream is dairy and sugar? :p
Yep and depending on your choice of flavour could also contain fruit. Nuts are healthy too and some fat is needed in yoru diet so we're not totally bad lol xx
Yep and depending on your choice of flavour could also contain fruit. Nuts are healthy too and some fat is needed in yoru diet so we're not totally bad lol xx

Well that's sorted, peanut butter ice cream with raspberries, so healthy! :p
The peanut butter one from the core range has a raspberry jam in it already. There's the balanced diet they're talking about right there xx

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I am seriously struggling to get my head into this, what is wrong with me? Boy wants to go out for dinner tonight to treat me as I was feeling so pants last week, and my brain's going "FOOOOOOOD!"

Plan for the rest of the day
Breakfast: I had golden nuggets and milk, not sure on syns, but only 170 cals so not the end of the world
Lunch: Carrot sticks, babybel, ryvita thins and hummus
Dinner: FOOOD

Seriously, I don't think it's happening this week - I have an odd mind block when it comes to starting days, my brain wont accept it if it's not the start of a brand new diet week, so starting on Monday has totally confused me. I'm trying though!
Oh and on a non happy note (I'm sure you're going to be so so shocked *rolls eyes) I'm yet again out of the exercise loop as I've broken my toe! I think by now you've all realized I'm terribly accident prone and should not be trusted or left alone with sharp objects, flames, people, objects that look safe to anybody else because I shall find a way to cause injury with them!
