Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Eurgh, got through half of L1 30DS and have done my leg in! There go my plans for an exercise filled Sunday! My outer thigh has gone "ping!", going to cover it in deep heat and rest it, try again tomorrow. Did do 20 mins on the cross trainer yesterday so not totally wasted, but a bit annoyed.
Oh no! Hope it starts to feel better soon. I should really start exercising.. Lol xx
Oh no! Hope it starts to feel better soon. I should really start exercising.. Lol xx

Be careful!! It's always the little things that do me in, never hurt when lifting etc, but bend down, ping! :S
Welp, I'm on strict orders (from Dr Boy) to rest my leg, so I'm not a happy bunny this morning. My thinking was that since August has been pottering, I would blitz in September, but now I'm stuck. I shall be sticking to abs and arms for a few days and hoping my leg heels quickly with ice and deep heat. Boy also gave strict orders that pudding last night must be apple pie and custard. Psh.

Today I'm having a little detox, if I can't do much exercise, I'll just eat ridiculously healthy!
Breakfast: Nectarine + Orange
Lunch: Salad - Tuna, Spinach, Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled onion
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Chorizo + Philli stuffed mushroom with butternut squash mash and green veggies

By my working that's 679, I might be adding up wrong, but I might try and do some damage limitation from lack of exercise and the apple pie...
Sounds like a great plan , I always like to detox for a day or 2 after having a naughty day (although one pudding won't have caused much damage!)
How annoying that you can't exercise when you want to , but you gotta do what the Boyf tells you , it's not worth the hassle otherwise haha xx
Sounds like a great plan , I always like to detox for a day or 2 after having a naughty day (although one pudding won't have caused much damage!)
How annoying that you can't exercise when you want to , but you gotta do what the Boyf tells you , it's not worth the hassle otherwise haha xx

I was good all day (even had my protein shake in preparation for all the exercise!) and then had a massive pudding! Though I did have 300 cals spare, so I imagine it were only a tad over that! And there were apples! :p

I can still do a bit, abs and arms, but cardio is out as I need my legs for that and I can't bend so squats are out too, so rubbish!

I might add a smoothie for pud today, taking me up to about 800 and just stay there.
Can't believe your luck Em, finally getting back into the exercise and pop goes your leg! You'll be fine the food and cals will be enough (or not enough depending how you look at it) to get you another loss this week. Hope Steve is looking after you xx
I was good all day (even had my protein shake in preparation for all the exercise!) and then had a massive pudding! Though I did have 300 cals spare, so I imagine it were only a tad over that! And there were apples! :p I can still do a bit, abs and arms, but cardio is out as I need my legs for that and I can't bend so squats are out too, so rubbish! I might add a smoothie for pud today, taking me up to about 800 and just stay there. XxX
Yeah I reckon you got one of your 5 a day from the apple pie so surely that's good for you :p
Just stick to mild toning exercises and you'll be fine Hun, just don't overdo it!
What do you have in your smoothie? Xx
Yeah I reckon you got one of your 5 a day from the apple pie so surely that's good for you :p
Just stick to mild toning exercises and you'll be fine Hun, just don't overdo it!
What do you have in your smoothie? Xx

We do a green one, which is normally celery, spinach, ginger, apple and kiwi or a fruity berry one which is strawberry, blueberry, almond milk and acai or a protein one which is banana, almond milk, peanut butter and flax seeds. Probably go fruity tonight!
We do a green one, which is normally celery, spinach, ginger, apple and kiwi or a fruity berry one which is strawberry, blueberry, almond milk and acai or a protein one which is banana, almond milk, peanut butter and flax seeds. Probably go fruity tonight! XxX
Wow they all sound so healthy! I normally have one with frozen berries & vitamin juice. Sounds dull compared to yours, gonna have to give one of yours a go I think. The green one sounds really good for you, proper detox food. I read somewhere before that eating celery burns more calories than it contains .. Sounds weird now that I've written it down lol xx
Wow they all sound so healthy! I normally have one with frozen berries & vitamin juice. Sounds dull compared to yours, gonna have to give one of yours a go I think. The green one sounds really good for you, proper detox food. I read somewhere before that eating celery burns more calories than it contains .. Sounds weird now that I've written it down lol xx

I've heard it too, but it is a myth unfortunately! Still, even if it were true I don't think I could stomach celery on it's own!!
oh no :( how many times have you tried? I've done these time and time again but this time seems to be going well thanks! x

It's only really still my first go, but I lost 2.5 stone to go to America for a 5 week long holiday and put on a stone so now trying to lose it and a bit more!
It's only really still my first go, but I lost 2.5 stone to go to America for a 5 week long holiday and put on a stone so now trying to lose it and a bit more!

oh wow that's so good!! I'm going to New York in January, so trying to lose some weight for that! I'm sure you'll be okay, there's always ups and downs when losing weight :)
How's the leg today? xx
Morning Ladies.

I've been off plan/off work this week with awful Vertigo, am in this morning on a half day and then tomorrow if I can, I've not been cooking as can't stand for too long without getting dizzy - FUN! Feeling much better than Monday night but still not 100%, Boy's been bringing home dinner every night this week (though not all of it's been rubbish, most of it has) as all I've wanted was quick food and in bed by 9pm as my body is whacked out. The dogs have been with the in-laws as was worried I'd topple on one! I'll be back in full swing (body depending) on Monday and am going to try and be good at the weekend but at the mo food and exercise are my last concern, my first is being able to see straight!

I'll have a good catch up of diaries soon, promise!