Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

What's he done and do you need an alibi? The soup sounds a bit vom inducing but it's probably a lot nicer than it sounds

Slap on the wrist for an indulgent weekend and I'll have one back for doing the same. No cross trainer for me either but I did just get told by a neighbour that I look like I've lost weight so that counts right? xx
What's he done and do you need an alibi? The soup sounds a bit vom inducing but it's probably a lot nicer than it sounds

Slap on the wrist for an indulgent weekend and I'll have one back for doing the same. No cross trainer for me either but I did just get told by a neighbour that I look like I've lost weight so that counts right? xx

Just same sh*t, different day. Think I'm gonna go back to my Mum's for a few days, can't handle his forgetfulness anymore, sick of not being listened to!

Oh we are not doing well with this October thing are we?! but it's great that the neighbour noticed, despite indulgence you're still at an overall loss so not all is lost! We must get back on and try try try!
That's the plan we can do it but I swear it's easier in the warmer weather.

Things must be bad if you want to go back to mums for a few days sweets, why are men such idiots? xx
That's the plan we can do it but I swear it's easier in the warmer weather.

Things must be bad if you want to go back to mums for a few days sweets, why are men such idiots? xx

Definitely, salads are tasty in the summer, can't bear them in the winter!

He keeps saying "but its only small issues" and he's right but it's the same small issues all the time, every day and it's driving me mad, we were supposed to be doing 30DS this morning and I said when I got out of bed "You have 10 minutes before exercise" (which I've also been saying, "remember we're doing Jillian Monday morn" since Friday), I went downstairs, went on the cross trainer for 10 mins and waited for a bit, went upstairs and he was in the shower, didn't come out till half an hour later - so 50 minutes spent getting ready by which time it was too late, only for him to go "Oh I didn't think we were doing anything, sorry", he forgot to go to the shops last night for bread despite me asking before I went out, so no breakfast after exercise. It is tiny tiny issues, but it's all the time, makes you feel worthless after a while when they just don't listen to you!
Oh sweets I know what you mean! Dai is exactly the same and the small things do add up. When things don't change it doesn't need anything major to pi$$ you off does it? They are really stupid and I know they just see things differently to us but it's so frustrating why they don't make the effort to change when they know how it makes us feel. xx
Oh sweets I know what you mean! Dai is exactly the same and the small things do add up. When things don't change it doesn't need anything major to pi$$ you off does it? They are really stupid and I know they just see things differently to us but it's so frustrating why they don't make the effort to change when they know how it makes us feel. xx

Don't think they get that though do they? I've even made allowances and purposefully remind him more than once to do stuff, I've made him lists and calendars and charts, I set up alarms on his phone and it still doesn't work! I'm not prepared to baby him anymore
Maybe you not being there to sort him out will be a shock to the system and he will pull his finger out or at least understand what it means to you. Have you told him you're off to your mums? xx
Maybe you not being there to sort him out will be a shock to the system and he will pull his finger out or at least understand what it means to you. Have you told him you're off to your mums? xx

I told him I was thinking about it this morning. I'm hoping it'll wake him up a bit, either that or he'll bur the place down! Plus it'll give the neighbors a break from my yelling!
Oh the yelling, I had a parcel delivered Friday and the woman delivering it heard me swearing at Dai. Classy bird me!

I hope it wakes him up and he gets a grip of his $hit I don't like seeing you so frustrated when he could easily change things xx
Sorry you're having such a rough time at the moment my love. I get stages like that with the other half , it's just so frustrating. Make him miss everything you do for him by giving him some time out I think. Xxx
*Gags* the soup is evil!!!! Had 1 spoon, given up, having another banana instead!!
Oh dear! Ha ha xxx

Think I could stomach it in an emergency, but it just tastes like salty celery!! Suppose I could blend it into a chicken soup for some extra veg or something but eurgh it was not good!
Think I could stomach it in an emergency, but it just tastes like salty celery!! Suppose I could blend it into a chicken soup for some extra veg or something but eurgh it was not good! XxX
Oh god I hate celery! Good idea with the soup though, once you had some stock & stuff in there it might mask the taste lol xxx
Soup,sounds vile hun!!!! Chin up Oh drives me mad all the time but i just tell myself i cant be without him warts and all
:sign0137: I HATE celery it's vile. Hope the banana filled you up my dear. I think you should make Boy eat the soup as punishment xx
It definitely is the food of Satan!!

Lisa, it does beat my previous thought of just flat out poisoning him!
It definitely is the food of Satan!!

Lisa, it does beat my previous thought of just flat out poisoning him!

Why end it so quickly when you can really make him suffer? Make a big batch and he has to eat a bowl every night for a week xx