Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

He scared me when I first saw it but Megan thinks he's hilarious. Wanna buy some pegs Dave? haha

Buy more mugs! I'm going to just for the hell of it in fact I'm gonna get my Dexter one. See how easily led I am? It's no wonder I can't say no when someone says "just one won't hurt" ;) xx

"I got lotsa pegs!"
We're terrible enablers aren't we? :p
We are aren't we?

I found them on eBay and Amazon there's lots of different ones you could make a set of all different ones. I love Dexter!xx

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We are aren't we? I found them on eBay and Amazon there's lots of different ones you could make a set of all different ones. I love Dexter!xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Dexter is my second fave program! We're watching them back to back on netflix, only at season 4 not half way through yet so no spoliers please :p xx
Deffo a Xmas present for the other half I think! Xx
I've watched and own all 8 series it's fantastic. I could marry him so easily I don't mind that he kills people lol what keeps him off top programme spot? Xx

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I've watched and own all 8 series it's fantastic. I could marry him so easily I don't mind that he kills people lol what keeps him off top programme spot? Xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
What do you mean by top spot Hun?
Yeah id marry him no questions asked! Hence why he's my wallpaper (I'm sad like that ha ha)


Did you know that in real life him and his sister debra got married and divorced whilst filming? Xxx
You said it's your second favourite programme so I was wondering was number one. I knew him and Deb got married but didn't realise they divorced as well. Must have been awkward going through all that and still working together! X

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You said it's your second favourite programme so I was wondering was number one. I knew him and Deb got married but didn't realise they divorced as well. Must have been awkward going through all that and still working together! X Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Yeah imagine the awkwardness! Ah ok I see what you mean , well the walking dead is number one! Dexter number 2! Xxx
Morning Lovelies!

Sorry to interrupt the Dexter talk!

I'm back, I can't eat any more rubbish, it's starting to make me feel like cr*p. My stomach is so bloated and horrible, I have weighed (not pretty I might add!), I am ready to start.

Breakfast: Strawberries, grapes and a yakult (2)
Lunch: Turkey, lettuce, mayo (2) and cheese (1/2HeA) sandwich (HeB)
Dinner: Winter vegetable pie (all of my 5 a day in 1 pie!), chopped tomatos, cauliflower, onion, mushroom, carrots, leek, butternut squash topped with mash

I'm going to attempt Jillian tonight (without the pushups, wrist can't hack that!), My new plan is to do 30DS every other morning and every night, interspersed with running on the other mornings.
Morning! Aww I hate that feeling you get after eating rubbish, I always say to myself that I'll never do it again yet it happens over and over lol well done for planning today though , looking good :) xx
Morning! Aww I hate that feeling you get after eating rubbish, I always say to myself that I'll never do it again yet it happens over and over lol well done for planning today though , looking good :) xx

Yep me too!! Never again, ooh food, gimme! XD
Food looks really yummy but exercise much? Wowzers em you're gonna look like Linda in no time with all of that.

Why does the food funk only set in after we've eaten it? Xx

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Food looks really yummy but exercise much? Wowzers em you're gonna look like Linda in no time with all of that.

Why does the food funk only set in after we've eaten it? Xx

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That's IF I manage to do it :p I really wanna up my game till the wedding and then ease off and do it a bit slower, but I've only got 6 weeks (EEK!)
Nothing like a very close deadline to motivate you eh? You're fab with exercise when you're in the right mindset so it could be easily achievable for you and with food like that to fuel you you're onto a winner xx
Nothing like a very close deadline to motivate you eh? You're fab with exercise when you're in the right mindset so it could be easily achievable for you and with food like that to fuel you you're onto a winner xx

Exactly! I'm not feeling it but I shall try to do something tonight! Would help if I wasn't planning it out in my head and going "But you need both arms for that", but Boy has promised (if he remembers!) that he'll buy me new trainers and stuff for running, and I'll do anything for a new outfit, so I need to exercise to get the clothes :p
Eeh help! Boy wants to take me out tonight to apologise for being "A giant a*s", I wanna goo, but I know I wont make a healthy choice because well I'm me and I have no willpower. Inner struggle going on!
Oh no I've only just seen this! Way too late to help you make good choices but hoping that you had a good night and that you and boy are back loved up as usual. Ah well whatever it was that you ate it can be worked off by all the 30DS you'll be doing xx
Oh no I've only just seen this! Way too late to help you make good choices but hoping that you had a good night and that you and boy are back loved up as usual. Ah well whatever it was that you ate it can be worked off by all the 30DS you'll be doing xx

I made semi-sensible choices! and 30DS was a bust and now my wrist hurts :( Had a fry up, still had 11 syns left so had some fried bread naughty!) and a hash brown, not feeling great about it today but it could have bee worse! Did manage 5 on cross trainer and 40 on under desk bike at work.

Breakfast: Grapes as woke up late, seriously so tired lately, struggling to get up! Yakult (2)
Lunch: Turkey salad sandwich again (2)
Dinner: Either a tuna or chicken and bacon jacket and salad - depending on if the chicken is defrosted by the time I get home.

I'm still going to attempt exercise, not quitting by any means, just need to modify it a bit!
First day 100% back on track yesterday, success!

Boy has promised to do Shred with me tonight, we'll see!

Breakfast: Special K (5) Almond milk (1/2HeA)
Lunch: Mugshot, apple, orange
Dinner: An odd mixture of scrambled eggs, spinach and chicken on toast
Protein shake after Shred (5)