Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Morning my lovely how are you today? Is Steve still alive? xx
Diet-wise, I'm struggling, exercise-wise is even worse! Had very little sleep last night and my lunch plan has gone out of the window, but I'm alive and plodding, and Steve is alive...mostly. Didn't go to my mum's as according to her it's "easier for everyone" if I just stay put so we're still in the same house just...not really talking. Steve's being Steve and thinking that because I didn't go everything is fine (You know how men do that thing when you're not really angry anymore they assume you're fine so start talking like everything is back to normal) and I'm too tired to argue.

My breakfast and dinner shall hopefully be healthy - fruit salad and hoping for stew but lunch is a chorizo and cheese sarnie and some wotsists from Tesco as I went to the shops!...I did go with the intention of being good.

So far October is a bit sucky!
Diet-wise, I'm struggling, exercise-wise is even worse! Had very little sleep last night and my lunch plan has gone out of the window, but I'm alive and plodding, and Steve is alive...mostly. Didn't go to my mum's as according to her it's "easier for everyone" if I just stay put so we're still in the same house just...not really talking. Steve's being Steve and thinking that because I didn't go everything is fine (You know how men do that thing when you're not really angry anymore they assume you're fine so start talking like everything is back to normal) and I'm too tired to argue. My breakfast and dinner shall hopefully be healthy - fruit salad and hoping for stew but lunch is a chorizo and cheese sarnie and some wotsists from Tesco as I went to the shops!...I did go with the intention of being good. So far October is a bit sucky! XxX
Oh Hun I know what you mean about your other half. Mine will say "sorry" and then start chatting away like everything's fine now lol x
Hopefully you two will be ok, communication is key , you'll get there, men are just pains in the backside sometimes!! Xxx
Men really don't get that just because we're shouting it doesn't mean we're not still mad do they? October is very sucky but there's still a few weeks left yet to get back on it and eat healthier. Don't stress about the exercise when you've had so little sleep and besides all the adrenaline from being so angry will have burned off a few calories xx
Oh Hun I know what you mean about your other half. Mine will say "sorry" and then start chatting away like everything's fine now lol x
Hopefully you two will be ok, communication is key , you'll get there, men are just pains in the backside sometimes!! Xxx

Funny isn't it? He's going on about the weather and Christmas and I'm just sitting there like..."whaaa?"
We'll be fine I'm sure, he's a peacemaker and I'm like a little spitfire, I could go rounds with Tyson! :p
Yeah you'll be fine and sometimes it's a good thing when they're so oblivious because you can't stay mad at them. Weird how men and women are so different yet we choose to live together xx
Yeah you'll be fine and sometimes it's a good thing when they're so oblivious because you can't stay mad at them. Weird how men and women are so different yet we choose to live together xx

Definitely weird, I'm certain I should have been a lesbian! You'll be pleased to hear I'm cheering myself my playing loud rock hits int he office, it's like a supernatural soundtrack on 2 discs! :p
Oh I like this! I hope you've got lots of Kansas, Journey and AC/DC on the go? You know what would cheer me up? Imagining you doing Eye Of The Tiger in your chair Dean style lol I would be creased! xx
Wack on a bit of papa roach! I was listening to it on my way to work to try and get pumped up, probably wasn't the best idea though as I work with kids and after 10 mins of that music I wanted to just rock out instead :( lol xxx
Oh I like this! I hope you've got lots of Kansas, Journey and AC/DC on the go? You know what would cheer me up? Imagining you doing Eye Of The Tiger in your chair Dean style lol I would be creased! xx

Oh yes, Kansas, Blue Oyster Cult and RamJam! I've cheered up now so I've moved onto Motown! I was so tempted to do the guitar leg thing when it came on though!!
I've been listening to a mix of Stevie Wonder, Cypress Hill, Michael Buble and Alanis Morrisette gotta love a bit of variety xx
Lionel Richie on now, feeling all soulful!! :p My lovely boss keeps piping in with random oohs and ahhs!
I've seen a mug I want with old Lionel on. It has his face and says "Hello, is it tea you're looking for?" Makes me chuckle every time I see it so I gotta pop it on the Christmas list xx
Ah I have that!!!!! :D:D:D:D
Well Jel! I really want one. I have a mug fetish, I've got mini ones from when I was a toddler. It sends Dai nuts cos there's so many in the cupboard but he doesn't do too badly himself and he stole my Rocky Horror Picture Show one the big git. My sister gets me the best ones, the latest was a pigeon street one but I think you're to young to remember that kids show and for Christmas she bought me a white mug with UNT written on it in black letters and the handle is black too and looks like a C so work that out lol xx
Well Jel! I really want one. I have a mug fetish, I've got mini ones from when I was a toddler. It sends Dai nuts cos there's so many in the cupboard but he doesn't do too badly himself and he stole my Rocky Horror Picture Show one the big git. My sister gets me the best ones, the latest was a pigeon street one but I think you're to young to remember that kids show and for Christmas she bought me a white mug with UNT written on it in black letters and the handle is black too and looks like a C so work that out lol xx

Oh girl after my own heart! We have a whole cupboard full of funny mugs, I refuse to have ones that match! My favourite is one with a sad T-rex that says "If you're happy and you know it clap your...oh"
Haha I need to buy one of those for my sister. She's 4ft 10 and I constantly wind her up about her short arms! I have matching mugs. In a box in a cupboard next to the dishwasher. They came with a dinner service we bought and have never been used. I like my original ones and another one on my list is a mug with blood splatter all over it and it says "What would Dexter do?" Getting the step daughter into it too her new mug is brown until you add hot water than it goes white and Papa Lazarou comes up from League of Gentlemen and the words "You're My Wife Now Dave"

Yay to being mug buddies :) xx
Ahh everyone else thinks I'm weird, I am so glad you share this love!!! That LOG one sounds amazing, Steve doesn't get it when I says "You're my wife now" to anyone I meet called Dave!
I am now inspired to get more mugs!!
He scared me when I first saw it but Megan thinks he's hilarious. Wanna buy some pegs Dave? haha

Buy more mugs! I'm going to just for the hell of it in fact I'm gonna get my Dexter one. See how easily led I am? It's no wonder I can't say no when someone says "just one won't hurt" ;) xx