Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

That is the thing with SW isn't it? I have to portion my rice into a ramekin or I'll eat WAY too much! Berries etc are good, but when you count up an apple, a banana and an orange it's quite a shock how much they are!
I hope it works for you, I know you've been a bit down with your losses especially now winters hitting, are you still managing exrcise even with less running?

I'm doing 2 legs bums and tums classes a week, and I usually go a little bit earlier to get on the treadmill before hand. Outdoor running as fizzled out a little, I did 8 miles with the club about 10 days ago, but that's all. I might try and get out tonight for a short one if the rain holds off.
Yep the Kebab was my only unpointed meal this week. I'm tempted not to weigh until the Wednesday before I go away though just to see if I can get on the scales and have a nice big number that's melted off xx
I'm doing 2 legs bums and tums classes a week, and I usually go a little bit earlier to get on the treadmill before hand. Outdoor running as fizzled out a little, I did 8 miles with the club about 10 days ago, but that's all. I might try and get out tonight for a short one if the rain holds off.

Definitely harder to get out (I hate even stepping out the front door when it's cold and wet!) in this weather, but you seem to be doing stuff still which is great, and only 11lbs to target? :)
Yep the Kebab was my only unpointed meal this week. I'm tempted not to weigh until the Wednesday before I go away though just to see if I can get on the scales and have a nice big number that's melted off xx

When was the last time you went? Horsey will think you've given up!
I've not been to the last three weigh ins. Was and still am on a crazy ever lasting *week on the 1st, the 8th was dai's nephews birthday meal and this week I just couldn't be bothered. Horsey will be thinking she's won but I'll have the last laugh xx
I've not been to the last three weigh ins. Was and still am on a crazy ever lasting *week on the 1st, the 8th was dai's nephews birthday meal and this week I just couldn't be bothered. Horsey will be thinking she's won but I'll have the last laugh xx

Ooh have a proper blitz and go back next Wed with a brilliant number!!
Not doing 30DS tonight, legs hurt, night off from Jillian and have a half day tomorrow so 4.5 hours on my own, hopefully 2 levels!
No point making it worse if you're already aching. A night off exercise won't hurt xx

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So glad you're here Gilly! :D

Didn't do Jillian this morning as I have a semi-half day at work today, leaving at 2pm so plan to crack on with it this afternoon, aiming for cross trainer, 2 levels of Jillian, a bit of yoga (which effectively means just me trying to get into funny positions whilst nobody is home and giggling to myself), a face mask, a bubble bath, protein shake and some rubbish TV!

Food plan:
Breakfast: Butter (2) and marmite on toast
Lunch: Chicken soup and an apple
Might have a protein shake before exercise too, my poor muscles don't want to hurt again, lots of syns but they are low calorie so I'm not too fussed.
Dinner: Tuna, mayo and sweetcorn pasta

So glad you're here Gilly! :D Didn't do Jillian this morning as I have a semi-half day at work today, leaving at 2pm so plan to crack on with it this afternoon, aiming for cross trainer, 2 levels of Jillian, a bit of yoga (which effectively means just me trying to get into funny positions whilst nobody is home and giggling to myself), a face mask, a bubble bath, protein shake and some rubbish TV! Food plan: Breakfast: Butter (2) and marmite on toast Lunch: Chicken soup and an apple Might have a protein shake before exercise too, my poor muscles don't want to hurt again, lots of syns but they are low calorie so I'm not too fussed. Dinner: Tuna, mayo and sweetcorn pasta XxX

Your day sounds lovely, well done for doing 30Ds, I must start doing it again soon x
Your evening sounds quite fun apart from Jillian that's just torture lol xx
Your evening sounds quite fun apart from Jillian that's just torture lol xx

Ha I can barely make it through 1 at the moment, so we'll see how 2 goes!!
Feeling like superwoman, 10 mins of cross trainer done, 1X30DS done, green tea taken, body shaking. Taking a break for a protein shake and a facemask, then another 10 mins, another level and a shower! Without meaning to conjour some lovely images, I'm sweating so much I look like I've been out on the rain!!
Update! 2X30DS, 20 mins cross trainer, I'm feeling super, feel like I could do another level, but we've learnt our lesson from last time have we not body?! Bit disappointed that I don't instantly look like a supermodel, after all who doesn't want to look in the mirror and see instant results?!
Update! 2X30DS, 20 mins cross trainer, I'm feeling super, feel like I could do another level, but we've learnt our lesson from last time have we not body?! Bit disappointed that I don't instantly look like a supermodel, after all who doesn't want to look in the mirror and see instant results?! X
Lol I'm like that when I work out, the next morning I'm like rushing to the mirror like "am I skinny??" Ha ha xxx
Lol I'm like that when I work out, the next morning I'm like rushing to the mirror like "am I skinny??" Ha ha xxx

It's totally not fair is it? It should be a one time thing and then BOOM slim! Who knew you had to do stuff everyday?!