Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

First day 100% back on track yesterday, success! Boy has promised to do Shred with me tonight, we'll see! Plan; Breakfast: Special K (5) Almond milk (1/2HeA) Lunch: Mugshot, apple, orange Dinner: An odd mixture of scrambled eggs, spinach and chicken on toast Protein shake after Shred (5) XxX
Did he do as he promised? Well done for your 100% day :D xxx
100% day and 2 levels of 30DS on a SATURDAY!!! So much pain today!
Thanks guys feeling really positive! So far so good today, not exercised yet, muscles ache, covered in deep heat but hopefully doing something later when Boy gets home. :)

Half a level of 30DS done this morning, didn't have enough time for a whole one and my muscles are still painful but half is better than nothing right?!

Breakfast: Protein shake (5), banana and an apple
Lunch: Chicken and spinach sandwich (2 for salad cream)
Dinner: Spag bol, lots of veggies, topped with a big pile of Parmesan!

Sneaky peek on the scales (I'm hoping if I anger Lisa, she'll come back) showing a 5lb loss, and still 5 days to WI.
Woop! Loving your sneaky peak on the scales! You'll be on a massive whopping loss by WI day!!!
I've swapped over to the darkside and started calorie counting. Think it may work a little better for me, but time will tell.
Woop! Loving your sneaky peak on the scales! You'll be on a massive whopping loss by WI day!!!
I've swapped over to the darkside and started calorie counting. Think it may work a little better for me, but time will tell.

I'm hoping for at least another 2!

To be honest you'll probably eat a lot of the same stuff, I try to never go above 1800 cals with slimming world, my head counts everything automatically anyway! :p
Tut tut tut. On the scales I see?? I don't mind when they're being nice to you. 5lb is fantastic what a boost! I think you can do another 1-2lb too but if you don't then don't moan about the 5 cos that's still great.

How was your weekend? Xxx

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I'm hoping for at least another 2!

To be honest you'll probably eat a lot of the same stuff, I try to never go above 1800 cals with slimming world, my head counts everything automatically anyway! :p

I've never really counted calories before, but then I put a typical slimming world day in my calculator and it was pretty high to what I thought I should be eating, basically because of my monster portions of carbs... Ooops!
I am pretty much eating the same foods, but thinking a lot about the amount of fruit i usually eat!!!
Tut tut tut. On the scales I see?? I don't mind when they're being nice to you. 5lb is fantastic what a boost! I think you can do another 1-2lb too but if you don't then don't moan about the 5 cos that's still great.

How was your weekend? Xxx

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I had to have a peek, I couldn't resist! I will be pleased with 5 if it sticks at that, hoping for another 2 but definitely wont be peeved, my aim was 5lbs for the next 4 weeks anyway, anything above that is epic!

Weekend was good, but spent most of it yesterday waddling like a penguin and trying not to smelling like deep heat!!!
I've never really counted calories before, but then I put a typical slimming world day in my calculator and it was pretty high to what I thought I should be eating, basically because of my monster portions of carbs... Ooops!
I am pretty much eating the same foods, but thinking a lot about the amount of fruit i usually eat!!!

That is the thing with SW isn't it? I have to portion my rice into a ramekin or I'll eat WAY too much! Berries etc are good, but when you count up an apple, a banana and an orange it's quite a shock how much they are!
I hope it works for you, I know you've been a bit down with your losses especially now winters hitting, are you still managing exrcise even with less running?
5lbs is great well done my lovely. I know how you feel about having that cream rubbed into sore muscles , except I have the deep freeze one.. My other half is like "it stinks if toothpaste in here" and I'm just sat there laughing lol xx
What does the deep heat one smell like? Xxx
Waddling is such a good look ;) xx

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5lbs is great well done my lovely. I know how you feel about having that cream rubbed into sore muscles , except I have the deep freeze one.. My other half is like "it stinks if toothpaste in here" and I'm just sat there laughing lol xx
What does the deep heat one smell like? Xxx

Ooh I have that one too, they smell pretty similar, just the deep heat one smells kind of like aniseed and a bit stronger, when it's just in one place it's fine but I had both thighs, both calfs, an ankle, both arms and my back, smelt awful!!
Waddling is such a good look ;) xx

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Ha yeah! Doesn't help that being hunched over makes you look at flubbery, I'd just worked out, of course I was instantly expecting to be slim!
Ooh I have that one too, they smell pretty similar, just the deep heat one smells kind of like aniseed and a bit stronger, when it's just in one place it's fine but I had both thighs, both calfs, an ankle, both arms and my back, smelt awful!! XxX
Haha yeah I know what you mean! Bet you were tingling all over lol xxx
Flubbery lol Aw bless you all that effort and you're walking around looking like an arthritic 80yr old. Still I bet you were loving the aches and pains cos you could feel you'd worked hard. You're doing fab I just need to catch you up now xx
Flubbery lol Aw bless you all that effort and you're walking around looking like an arthritic 80yr old. Still I bet you were loving the aches and pains cos you could feel you'd worked hard. You're doing fab I just need to catch you up now xx

Only crazy people love the aches and pains!! Other than the Kebab are you doing well? 100% November?