thanks everyone!!
Yes Angel - right here!!! I'm fine. Just had a friend staying staying for the weekend. still feel too uncomfortable eating my SF meals in front of friends, so have had to substitute for 'proper' food which has been fine.
she arrived with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates ARGH!! had a few chocolates which was a nice treat, but have now asked my boyfriend to hide the box!!
shes gone now, so back on the wagon, and aiming for another strict week on the plan, coz my parents are coming on Friday and we will go out to dinner,
finding my plan is now basically sticking to my SF and then letting misled have nice treats every week or two when we meet up with family or Friends.
still feeling really positive, getting lots of nice comments from people about looking slimmer, although really the only opinions that matter to me are the voice in my head, and my boyfriends!