yea but just imagine you are over half way right? So if you were back at the start you would have the 91lbs to loose instead its only 45lbs... i know it seems alot but just think of what you have achieved!!
Well, how am I feeling incredibly bloated is the answer - Im on and Im suffering! Im trying so hard to reisist the nice food! Im even making the trooooops Toad-in-the-Hole for dinner! Im having quorn sausages and the mash n beans just not the LOVELY batter
Will be worth it tho in the end - thats what I gotta tell myself! xxx
I think it all came about when people who were trying for a baby starting talking about it like the aunt who you never want to come and visit you, but always turns up unexpectedly = aunt flo = AF
That's what i've heard anyway. Don't quote me on it LOL.
And Claire - never weigh yourself when you're on!!! It's like voluntary torture!!! lmao