Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

I know! Shame eh! All friends together and all that! haha
Right Im back on track...

I had my chinese last night and Im over that now and I will be good for the rest of the week!

I will lose weight next week! LOL

Ha ha ha yh but I need to lose that again! Hahahaha!!!
yea but just imagine you are over half way right? So if you were back at the start you would have the 91lbs to loose instead its only 45lbs... i know it seems alot but just think of what you have achieved!!
I know! Thank you hun...

God you motivational speaker lol
I've just been inspired by your motivational talk too so thanks :D lol
Good Morning!

Well, how am I feeling incredibly bloated is the answer - Im on and Im suffering! Im trying so hard to reisist the nice food! Im even making the trooooops Toad-in-the-Hole for dinner! Im having quorn sausages and the mash n beans just not the LOVELY batter :(


Will be worth it tho in the end - thats what I gotta tell myself! xxx
yes it will! :D sorry you're feeling a bit pants, but you'll be feeling better soon, and will be glad you didn't give in ;)
Yeah I know! Its just infuriating!

I fancy beans on toast for lunch would you have beans twice in a day lol
if i didn't like who i had to share a bed with, yes ;) :eek: lol

Hahaha well it could be payback for snoring lol
I weighed myself and OMG I could cry - Iv been blooming good!

AF has a lot to answer for I must say
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assume you mean my wedding dress??

AF is TOTM!!
AF = aunt flo, which actually = a period.

I think it all came about when people who were trying for a baby starting talking about it like the aunt who you never want to come and visit you, but always turns up unexpectedly = aunt flo = AF ;)

That's what i've heard anyway. Don't quote me on it LOL.

And Claire - never weigh yourself when you're on!!! It's like voluntary torture!!! lmao :D