Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Hi im new to this site first of all i would liek to wish you good luck with your weight lost i joined 2 months ago lost 1st 2lb just wondering if you know the syn value of fat free danone shpae feel fuller for longer 120g pot
Good Morning Claire,
How are you doing Missus? By the sounds of it your doing very well? x

You all well?

All good here - contemplating the old wii fit in a mo..30 mins wooo!!

Had me fruit and tea this morn n full up!

Krisp Rolls for Lunch with LC Cheese and Salad
Turkey Mince Spag Bol for dinner

Sweet Lord!

I didnt Wii Fit - I decided that I will do My Fitness Coach :)

Wow that worked me hard - was good tho! So tween the 2 should be all good!

Well I wobbled a tad last night :(
I had a pathetic small chines.. Rice, Chicken Balls (2 n half!) 2 Duck Pancakes and S&S Sauce... So Im cutting right bk on syns today and tomm before WI!

The only reason is coz Iona had her new bed arrive and I had to do this that and the other also take Molly Ballet n Singing..

So today so far I have walked to school (some of way as was raining!!) been to Matalan and got Iona new duvet and the likes... Now Im moving their bedroom around to fit the 2 beds ffs! All fun and games! So getting a small workout.. Moving furniture and beds etc! Then the normal making dinner - washing up - Hoovering!
joys joys joys
Im going Sainsburys when Paul finishes work! Oh I CANNOT wait for that!!

What a ramble that turned into!!

I'm sure will be fine as long as you cut back a bit today and tomorrow.

Good luck xx
Fingers x - Im praying that I STS tbh!

AF here also so Im terribly bloated!
You know what tbh if I STS I aint bothered! AF is here as I just cannot shift when on so next week will be good :)
Dont forget muller lights in sainsburys hun 8 for £2
Im sure you will be lucky with a sts .How has your day been tho hun?
My day has been fab!!

I have moved furniture, eaten well and just had dinner - I hate eating this late tho as it will sit now for agess!!

Happy Days tho! Yep STS would be fab! xxx
Bet your dinner was lush!
Good Morning Claire.
Any plans for today hunny? I no you have such a busy life with the kids.
Looking forward to our wi tomorrow as i would of had 3 100% days so lets see what happens.
how are you today hun? x
What is your WI huni?
I lost a lb ladies :) a bonus being * week :)