Oooooh ouuuuchhh!!!!!! Hope you're ok! I almost fell down once while holding DS, and i just about crapped myself! Shook me up for ages - sit down and have a brandy (for medicinal purposes of course ) xxxx
Oh wow - well done you! I'm so bloomin tired at the moment that everything seems a bit of an effort - dunno what's up with me - been feeling shattered for weeks now (DEFFO not pregnant!! lol)
Hmmm yeah you might be right! (and yes, deffo NOT pregnant!! lol)
I've also realised that me being tired co-incides with DD going back to school a few weeks ago - must have got used to all those nice lie-ins during the summer hols and now the early mornings are hitting me hard LOL
oh to be able to wake up in the mornings! my alarm has to go off every 5 minutes for half an hour before i FORCE myself to sit up so i don't sleep in! i LOVE SLEEEEEEEEEPING!
:hug99: I have been feeling crappy all week so I kinda know how you feel. I have no energy. I have wanted to do the housework but can't get off the sofa.
Sorry, I should be cheering you up. Have these :flowers: and I hope you feel better soon. Maybe you could try some Mug Shots if you don't feel like eating a lot x