Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Well done and good luck for the church!
That's fantastic :D Well done you!!!!! xxxx
Thanks All Im so chuffed! It seemed a long time comin but I got there - slowly but surely - least I know I can lose still and if go off plan (which I did esp over the summer) I dont really gain....All good!

Im chuffed AND this mornin I have done, 25 wall push ups and 24 lengths in the pool :)

ALSO Im walking up the school later - get me!!!!
AND my mum commented on how good Im looking lol She said my bum is disappearing hahahahha!! xxx
ty hunis!!

im getting there eh :)

long way to go but will get there soon nuff!!
Thanks ladies!

Im chuffed! Motivation is the key - I just home from walking to the school! x
Well ladies hows tricks!

I have been shopping this morning and doing homework - how much fun can I have lol

On a red day I think today - salad and chicken for dinner - all syns used on salad cream then lol

Feeling ok after all my exercise yest - lets not knock it eh!

Heres hoping another good loss this week! xxx
Well I am plsd that I had to get another pair jeans as my blue ones (size 18) fall down and are saggy round the buttocks lol

So yh all good fun - aint eaten much today - I know me bad.. Aint very inspired today - having pasta for dinner - yummy!

well done chick!!!! you must be well chuffed :D

as for the pasta - my dinners consist of either pasta or potatoes - imaginative huh? lol

*is secretly green with envy over claire's size 16's* :eek: ;)
I have pasta once or twice a week and have pots a few times but try to vary! hard innit :)
The last 3 nights i've had potatoes cut into wedges and then dry roasted with frylight and salt. Yummy with a couple of fried eggs and tommy ketchup ;)
Oh Yh I love the chips - may have them tomm with summat - good plan! x