Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

I was only joking!! :-(

Bit jealous you normally have much better weather down there to be honest - that's why we are used to it.

Sorry if I have caused any offence - totally unintentional :-(
Ooooh none taken huni!
Twas me ranting as thats all the news has been saying lol.... My mum says the same (she from Scotland) and bangs on all the time blah blah! I just tell her to shurrup!! Hee!x
:) Phew - thought I'd had another case of that oh so dangerous disease..... foot in mouth!! lol

So, how are you doing with the plan with it being sooooo cold - are you sticking with it? I normally struggle when it's cold but determination is winning through this time round and I am well and truly on plan (need to be after the antics of the weekend though!!)
Nah the weather suits me better lol

No no offence taken here huni
Looking forward to WI tomorrow. If I have put back on the weight I think I have lost, I am going by todays weight pmsl!
lmfao.. you will b ok :)

let us no asap!!
Yea will do. The scales are in my living room next to the tv of all places! Its the only place they are not in the way. My bedroom is just full of clothes in bin bags ready to go on Ebay!
7lbs well done huni - I bet you well chuffed!? I would love a loss like that now :/ Altho tbh Im happy with 2lb lol

hehehe as long as or 2 coming off - a step in right direction eh :)
Oh thats nowt is it hun imo af has a lot to answer 4 lol

you know can shift it too so all good!!xx
Well today both Paul and Molly are at work and school - the roads are well slippy :x

So Normality has nearly resumed!
I aint out much tho coz still have Iona and walking etc aint the greatest idea! :/

I am craving a cooked chicken from the supermarket :/ Not the skin oddly nuff just the white meat - Im gna go get me one! Not sure what gna have with as dont fancy tatties or salad... May have some veg :)

Also had syn free pancake this morn - OMG Twas lush and could have another - but I shall resist - for now lol

All good here - lets hope I shift a lb this week then Im at 4.5st gone!

Paul and I are away sat night to a hotel in Surrey - Woo - Lets pray doesnt snow :/

All good here tho :)
We are supposed to be getting more of the white stuff tomorrow, but its looking like rain in the afternoon so should wash it away.

I am having splitting headache, my car has broken and my hubby has done nothing but f**king moan all day, shouting and screaming and its driving me nuts! Anyone got a spare room?
Aw poor you! We are in for some heavy snow tonight too, I'm just waiting for some more information and timescales to see if I can go out tonight!