Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Dont think my ass is ever gonna get in a size 10! A 14, maybe, Oh and you can see from Kayes snow dog why I have nothing healthy to munch!
no i don't get any respite in fact i get no help at all lol

and as for size 10 what is that?
don't think iever been one lol
Ahhh huni :( Nothing - I think thats shocking :(

We have all been a size 10 at some point - we just bypassed it quickly! x
I was prob bout 10 years old when I was a size 10! x
I know Im a long way off but Im closer than what I was a year ago - not that I want to be a 10 again but ykwim!
Im aiming for a 12... think 10 too small fir me now!
Chill is the right word at the minute. It's damn freezing and the only time that I am grateful for my blubber layer!

I think a size 12 would be a massive bonus for me :D
Im aiming for a 12 too...Hi all!!! Well done on the losses so far and Di, sorry to hear about your Mum (hugs).
The 12 club we will become!?
For dinner this eve I am having the cheesey meatballs - They look lovely - all in fridge ready to be cooked later :) Having them with Wedges and poss beans... Im well excited!

Im thinking about getting on the bike for 20 mins and some more crunches! Hmmm can I be bothered with the bike LOL

Paul and I are away tomm night - god im gna need some willpower I think :(

Think thats all
We can do it! Taz what size are you now?
I'm a tight 14/small 16 on the bottom and a 14 on top. I will be much happier when I can comfortably fit into a 14 all over!
Make some of the chocolate cake to take with you!
Im number
For my Race for Life!

Just had me dinner! Those cheesey meatballs were lovely :)

Did you make the cake Claire? xxx
Nah - I need to get some scan bran stuff! Im gna get next week :)