Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Must have been... forgot bout that lol

ty chick :)
thats brill:)
Cheers Hunis... Im well surprised esp as I have been on too!

Oh Im gna rant and I may sound like a complete numpty but here goes! Paul last night decided he was gna guess how much I weighed - well I wish he kept his f***ing gob shut.... WTF! He has no idea how much I weigh what I weighed at the start let alone now but OMG I could have cried I felt like I look no diff! Oh Im was so angry!

No as the thread below about size clothes and weight they dont correspond but He thought I was bigger than I am and I was gutted! Not by much I must say but alway thought I didnt look my weight kwim?

TY huni but god he blooming peed me right off?!Then wondered why I had the hump ffs!x
Men really do have no idea and they also have no idea how important it is to us or how we feel when people say things. Try not to be too angry hun, you are losing weight and doing really well, he is stuck with being a man forever!
LMAO cheer hun that made me smile and I make ya right!! xxx
My hubby keeps saying I weigh 23 stone. I just say that I could lose it in a week by divorcing him. That soon shuts him up!
you look gorgeous honey and i am sure he thinks so too !! men have no idea about things like weight so best not to even ask in the first place ..have a brilliant christmas you lovely lady xxxx
Aww thanks Gilly! I intend to have a goodun :)

And you all! xxx
Well the old 'rents came round this eve, was ok - had a few mince pies but hey ho!

Aint worrying!

I updated tickers, well I have 9lb to lose by Valentines day.. and I lost 5lb this mth :) Im impressed! Heres hoping I really enjoy xmas day and thats it dont feel the need to so it anymore!?



All aboard the success train ppl! xxxxx
Yup men have no idea, my OH would guess how much I weighed when i started by saying something ridiculously low like 12 stone (when i was 18) i was like if i weighed that how would i need to lose 8 stone, but he was just trying to be kind, but as man like as Pauls guess hehe. well done on your loss this week hun xxx