Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Friday I bloody well will and cant wait! x

Iv had it!! Im sick of shopping!! Well I aint coz I got me a pair of pumps and a mascara :) I have another head cold coming so I am not happy...

Think everyone else is done now so all good!! I bought DD the best tinkerbell umbrella :)



L-SLICE OF BREAD :/ dont feel well but needed summat


Went starbucks and had coffee - using as HEXa tho not synning that lol

Who knows what having for dinner this eve - hmmm..... what do I fancy?????
I feel you are obsessed by kebabs!!
Mmmm you probably aint far wrong!! Lasts nights was buff. Nice and dry - not greasy at all. Mmm could eat another!
Ha ha ha ha?!! Im just hoping to maintain this

Im must go clean my car!
Aint you got a man to do that? I didnt buy a dog to bark myself :rotflmao:
Are you kidding me! He wont do the car :/
Mike dont have much choice! Mind you I usually take it through one of them car washes - ARC or something like that. Pay 2.10 and it washes it lovely. If I am feeling really generous, I take it to one of those hand car washes and get them to do the inside as well.
Oh I only done inside today and cleaned the windows from mucky hand prints from kids lol

Will Do the o/s when I can be arsed with carwash! xx
Hubby is a neat freak so he would moan if I did it. He would say that it wasn't done properly. If I hoover, he will come behind me and do it again half hr later. Fecks me right off!
Oooo Think I might get one of those for Mike!
I make you right mad child - I hate it - so boring! Good Exercise tho lol

So Im off to see Madness this eve at the o2 - woooo!! gna go for summat to eat too - may go somewhere like Spurs... Chicken and stuff so hopefully I can still be good-ish and have syns for my drinks!!

AF is coming as Im suffering and I have 2 spots wtf is that about! lol

Been reading mag - Gna try a few of the recipes meatballs and the likes?
OOOO have fun seeing madness, we went to see an american band a few months ago and had frankee and bennys but i got food poisoning so don't go there!!!
Oh no we are going Spurs! Been there before :)
Never heard of Spurs before (accept the footie club), Enjoy tonight, I am sure you will have a great time x