It's taken me 5/6 months to lose 11lbs so I know where she's coming from but she doesn't seem to experience anything when she eats crap.
I used to starve myself for up to 3 weeks then binge until I was sick for days yet I'd always feel guilty - reason why i'd starve myself. I had no help with this, I just decided one day it would have to stop, 1 month ago after being on plan for 5 months I decided to fight myself which I do everyday anyways, another battle... I said I'd go a week without coming off 100%
First week is never hard, second week is agony, 3rd week I sts even though I had a 100% week apart from Sunday, this week has been my hardest as i'm at 14.13.5 and my mind screams you can eat now, eat eat eat!! But I've nearly done it after tonight... I'm struggling due to the scales not moving at all this week but I've done it.
I don't think labelling it will help her, label me, boarderline personality desorder, apprantly I've had bulemia, depression, anxiety desorder, agoraphobia...
Claire bounces back and forth due to her life, she was a star who was pushed by fame to be thin much like the girls aloud band who were sent to fat camp after their first single came out. She's then gone off and with no pressure decided to enjoy life, I do this to the extreme on holidays like she did... Then some stupid magazine offered her money to get thin and made her feel like she was back in steps.
No wonder she's got mental problems but as person centred counselling would tell you... And so many people on here... She can't be help until she helps her self, eating desorder or not she has s mind and can fight it if she wanted too but what people seem to miss is that sometimes she seems perfectly happy.
Not directed at anyone who's posted just my thoughts on the idea.