ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Ouch claire - hope you feel better soon
Morning Claire OUCH! that sounds really nasty love. I can't see how eating carbs would help, and Atkis proper is certainly solid food love.

Having said that, you do what you feel you need to do love.
I've had to eat carbs, its all my OH has in the house to eat, and I sure as hell don't feel like going to the supermarket! Lol!
I swear I dont know how he stays skinny! Big poo that he is! lol!

Defrosted some turkey breast today, so I just had that grilled with some mayo - it was LUSH!!!

I miss atkins! :(
Feeling much better thanks. Thrown a sickie today tho. Fixing some grouting and watching The Mentalist. Good times! Lol!

How is everyone here?
sickie....why not
hows me.......craving meat :confused: but not just a fancy,
it's a real if a horse went by i'd shove it on the barby.:eek:
Oooh, bbq.... *drools*

Now I want meat!!!
Another mentalist fan here:D
Has the puffiest face in the whole world. I've spent the last 4 hours crying my eyes out like some emotional wreck! Honest to god, got the worst migrane in the whole world now and my eyes are nipping.

Dont know if I feel better for it or not. Think I just upset my OH, who was having a bad day as it was because he didnt get the job he was being interviewed for this morning, and myself. Got a lot of my chest tho, not that it probably made much difference. Honest to God, I can work out if I'm right or just being an absolute pain in the arse for no reason.

Its hard to tell if its my depression, or if its actually true. Then there's the fact that I said how I felt and he never said anything, so obv that makes it true.

Cryptic diary post or what?! lol! Just wanted to write stuff down. **** **** **** ****. Pfft.