Morning people!
I hate Wednesdays. Wednesdays are payroll duties day for me and I f****** hate payroll. It'll be a looooonnngggg day.
Also on a cat note, I'm going to miss Kisaki

She's my cat. Yoda is a little pain in the bum, but my OH is scared of Kisaki and he loves Yoda to bits. Kisaki, to me, is a proper cat - she does her own thing, and when she wants attention she is so lovely and she'll snuggle up and purr so loud. Yoda, sits in the corner and stares at the wall and cries! LOL! Its quite creepy in a Blair Witch kinda way. And she's the size of a Kitten, so tiny. But she looks like she wants a pat, and she's crying for a pat, and everytime I go to pat her she beats me up.
So yeah, I'm gonna miss Kisaki. Maybe Yoda will become more lap cat like. Either way, Michael likes her and I've got my 6 boys, so fairs fair i suppose.
Speaking of my OH, when they brought out those limited edition Kit Kats, I hunted absolutely everywhere to find a peanut butter one and never managed to get one. I loved the peanut butter ones from before and, honest to god, I swear I went into every shop from the west to the east of Glasgow to find one!!! Then the peanut butter kind won and they all disappeared for a while. Anyway, my OH came in last night with.... wait for it... a peanut butter kit kat chunky!!!!!!
How happy am I?! Just not sure when to eat it! I mean, its my second week back on atkins, and I'm fairly sure the 27g carbs in the kitkat wouldnt really be a good thing! But I want it!