Just heard back that my kitty has arrived safe and sound in Edinburgh. And apparently found a hole under the kitchen cupboard that he never knew was there and got under the floorboards! lol!
Yoda kitty was looking a bit lost earlier, but she's lying on the sofa cleaning herself now, so she must be alright. Not heard about my boys, but I'm sure they're sleeping by now after their days excitement.
Need to get off my bum and clean their cage out and dismantle it and clean my, now spare, room. Dunno what to put in it now. Also, the whole place needs sorted out, but I've just managed to sit down now knowing my cat made it to her new home ok and I feel exhausted. Stopped crying now, but its debatable.
My OH should be home from work in the next half hour, hope he's alright. He wouldnt have coped well infront of people today so its probably for the best that he wasnt in. I can act all fine infront of people and then cry on my own, I dont think he would have been able to have a conversation with anyone that was taking his babies away.
Dont even know if im making sense anymore today. I'll catch up on everyones diaries tomorrow.
Thanks for all the love, its much appreciated :bighug::gen126: