ClaireL second chance diary

Sunday - best day yet for ages!! and as it was technically weekend I am feeling pretty good about keeping it together especially as I didn't get too carried away on Saturday either:p

Here is what I had ..............


Breakfast: the whole hog as it were - bacon, eggs, beans mushrooms, tomatoes and SW style potato rosti, 1 slice of WM bread toasted (HEB):eating:

Thought that would see me through but OH fancied a walk to our local and 'maybe" a bit to eat!! - well I was very good,and for lunch I opted for the Greek salad so HEA for the feta cheese(?) hope that's allowed -also it had about 15 black olives so 2 syns will check later today and drank only Soda Zitrone (soda water with fresh lemons squeezed into it) probably should count 5 syns for dressing on salad - I have no idea what it was - not oily at all but there's bound to be something naughty in there!!

Dinner: piece of tandoori chicken which I picked at but couldn't manage the whole lot (no wonder really as I had eaten stacks!!) chicken curry with rice, cucumber relish (from Madhur Jaffrey's book) 0 syns and very good will be making this as a regular when we have curry now just as extra super free

HEB: Bread
HEA: Feta cheese

Syns: 7 :D
Forgot to add pictures so here they are - yesterday's lunch and dinner (LOL - just noticed the lonesome prawn with my curry - that was just quality control :) - OH loves prawns so I had done a few just for him but then decided to nick one for myself - cooks treat ? QC - call it what you want but it's in my belly now!!)



Good day again today went for the extra easy

Breakfast: beans and egg on toast (HEB) banana

Lunch: left over curry n rice with few cherry toms for added super free

Dinner: pasta with ELF minced beef, onions, mushrooms, cabbage and sliced kohlrabi with dessert spoon of Parmesan cheese 1.5 syns

Highlights hot chocolate - 2.5 syns

HEA- milk
HEB- bread

Total syns - 4

Am feeling absolutely knackered this morning - had a really disturbed night's sleep as we had mega thunderstorms all night long, the house fused a total of 4 times then we gave up running down to flick the trip switch back on!! Oh well, I'm sure work won't care about that so had better shake my feathers and get on with it!!

Today is another extra easy day

Breakfast: SW rice pudding (made last night with 400ml of Alpro hazelnut drink and pudding rice (plus little bit of sweetner) so 1/4 HEA for the milk, had some fresh raspberries on top - it was delicious

rice pud.JPG

Lunch: Planning on ham salad sandwich (HEB for bread roll) with SW chips (maybe), 0.5 syns for ELF mayo

salad sarnie.JPG

Dinner: cottage pie with broccoli and carrots - well we didn't have this as OH came home saying he had eaten 1/2 a grilled chicken for lunch (greedy !!) and youngest son was pulling a face too!! - We will be having it Wednesday no matter what!!
Dinner ended up as 2 slices of pizza - Mmm - not good for me and a massive 13 syns into the bargain!!!

HEA: Milk in drinks plus hazelnut drink in rice pudding
HEB: Bread roll

Syns: 13.5
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So as it is cottage pie for dinner tonight it has to be extra easy again

Looking back over my diary I am realising that I have a really carb heavy diet . I think I will try red days for the rest of the week (after today of course) to see if it makes any difference to my weight loss / general energy levels.

Anyhow - on with today:

Breakfast: poached eggs x 2 on WM bread roll, lurpack lighter 1.5syns, strawberries


Lunch: Noodles with oodles of veg (mushrooms, pepper, onion, beansprouts) cooked with a chow mein stock cube (1 syn)


Dinner: COTTAGE PIE OR DIE!!!!! veggies - 2 syns for gravy and 2 syns for lurpack lighter in mash

cottage pie.JPG Ta daaaa!!! made it to the dinner table today :p

Ohh - and my treat for myself arrived in the post today - bought a load of books from amazon - they were about 2pounds each they are only small but thick about 100 recipes in each - I am soo happy I could do a little dance :bliss: - will have a good browse through these later tonight and see what I can come up with for the weeks ahead - is it sad that I get so excited about recipe books??

HEA: Milk
HEB: Bread rolls

TOTAL SYNS = 6.5 so far
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Ohhh where do you get chow mein stock cube? Food looks fab!! x

Hi Kirsty - I live in Vienna and got the stock cubes from Hofer (which is exactly the same as Aldi at home- even got the same sign!)

have a look in Aldi as they sell pretty much the same things the stock cubes come in little plastic boxes and the chow mein was the blue box - sorry it's such a tiny pic but I had pulled the label off the box so this is just the insert! they are great :D

stock cubes.JPG


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Well I have promised myself a couple of red days so today is my first attempt - may change to extra easy at some point but I will try very hard to keep it red

I am in the office this morning so have brought breakfast with me and am just tucking into Ryvita x 2 with smoked mackerel pate, cucumber and tomatoes (HEB for Ryvita and 1.5 syns for pate)

office bf.JPG

Lunch: Chicken salad

Dinner: Not sure - we have our summer get together with work tonight but I am having problems getting a 'babysitter' - as our regular called today to say she is sick - so I will either make meaty choices from the menu if I go along (won't be too bad as it is a BBQ) or will make something at home - probably something with the remainder of the chicken

HEB: Ryvita
HEA: Milk

Syns: 1.5
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Got back from my morning in the office about 2.30 and was ravenous, thought about the chicken but have decided not to go to staff BBQ tonight as getting someone to babysit at short notice was becoming a bit stressy and headache causing - and to be honest it's really not worth it - it's only a BBQ and there will be something else going on before the years out - sooooooo.................. chicken is for dinner then, ................and I went for a prawn and egg salad for lunch. I was really hungry so it was a bit of - see it and throw it in salad!! - hit the spot and I had a bowl of raspberries and vanilla yogurt for pud.

prawn n egg salad.JPG

extra 0.5 syn for the mayo

Now - what to do with the chicken, gonna consult the new recipe books!!!

Nothing exciting came to mind re the chicken, but that's probably cos I wasn't really hungry - ended up with chicken and bacon sarnie so 2nd HEB for the bread and another 0.5 syn for mayo - it was a mayo filled day yesterday :D

chicken sarnie.JPG

Today is going to be extra easy as I want to eat up the rice pudding and its burgers for dinner

So Breakfast is - rice pudding with mango and raspberries


meeting my friend for lunch so will make a good choice from what's available

Dinner: SW style burgers with all the trimmings (salad onions etc)


HEA: Milk (plus 1/4 HEA in rice pudding)
HEB: Bread roll for burger
ended up with a asparagus biryani style thing for lunch - it was on the "vital" menu so that means not too many calories at least, going to say 5 syns though!

Dinner - well again was just not hungry so I had a bread roll (another 6 syns) with cheese (HEA plus 3 syns) and 2 glasses of wine 12 syns - grand total of 26 syns for the day - ah well - I think it all works out by the end of the week

Today is red day

Breakfast - toast and eggs (HEB)

Lunch - chicken salad

Dinner - off to BBQ so will have meaty treats!!

No alcohol as I am driving :(

Syns - try to keep it low to mop up yesterdays overspill :rolleyes: - see how I get on with that!!

HEB: Bread
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Well, we had a great weekend here - the weather was wonderful so out and about quite a lot - had the BBQ at my mates on Saturday evening - I was very good with the food - not so good with the wine - OH said he would drive and I sort of took advantage of the situation :eek: - woke up on Sunday feeling a little less than well!!

Of course Sunday was father's day so we went out to a new Irish bar/restaurant that OH had seen advertised - place was a bit - difficult to explain - was like sitting in a shop that had a few chairs and tables shoved in there - absolutely no atmosphere and as it had been advertised as 'pub dining' there was def NO pub feel to the place whatsoever. Saving grace though was the food, I had roast lamb dinner and it was the nicest peice of lamb I have ever tasted - so tender and well just NOM NOM!! and a whole shank to boot - had a very hungry tum I can say :p

So I had really not counted syns over the weekend and will just start again today, saying that we have tilers in the kitchen so cooking is sort of out of the question.....

Not sure what kind of day I am having yet :confused::confused:

Breakfast - bread roll (HEB) ham, cheese slice (HEA) tomato, red pepper slices, cucumber, slices of boiled egg - big brekkie but was thinking that there would be no chance for lunch and I was right!!

Lunch: grabbed a banana from fruit bowl

Dinner: depends on what time these guys finish, may cook quick stir fry or maybe just go out to eat - not sure yet

HEA: Cheese slice and milk in drinks of tea (so far 1 cuppa today)
HEB: Bread roll

Syns: 18 syns total - (not even counting breaded chicken for dinner!!:eek:)
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Naughty last night - went out for dinner, ordered a chicken burger - thinking that I would ditch the burger bun and just eat the chicken and salady stuff it comes with - but when it was served it was more of a schnitzel burger - flattened breaded chicken! Ah well ate it so that's that!

Today is going to be extra easy
Breakfast - boiled egg and 1 slice of bread (HEB) 1.5 syns for lurpack lighter, Melon

Lunch - salad (not sure what kind yet - will improvise with what's in the fridge - prob prawn as I do like a juicy prawn salad)

Dinner - jury is out - It's hot here just now so am not in the mood to plan food for the day really - just want to have what I fancy later - have been shopping so have loads of good fresh fruit, veggies and salad so at least I will be making something SW friendly - will update later

HEB: Bread

Syns - 1.5
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So yesterday was alrighty.....ish - Oh.. Ok then, I was naughty again in the evening - am a bit out of control at the moment - and although I am blaming the workers in the house / garden really it's just down to me not getting sorted out and me not sticking to my plans...

Yesterday had lovely prawn salad for lunch

prawn salad.JPG

and for dinner cooked some pork steaks and had it with broccoli salad (1syn for dressing) green beans and tomatoes, asparagus probably should count 5 syns for the pork as it was marinated in something - not sure what and no NVs on packet so it's just a guess, wasn't a heavy marinade and not loads of it so hopefully 5 is OK

Doesn't sound to bad but then I had 2 large beers as it was VERY hot and sticky after cooking pork in 32degrees!! so another 16 syns....Mmmmm WI is not going to be prety this week!!

Not to be downhearted, am starting over today - will weigh in later and am going to start my week off again - clean slate - new motivation, new stamina

Today will be extra easy

Breakfast - already had - sort of continental platter - toms, cucumber, egg, ham, babybel cheese (light) and 1 slice bread with scraping of lurpak lighter 1 syn


Lunch - Fresh fruit salad with vanilla yogurt

Dinner - Chicken fajita (spelling??) chicken, onion, peppers (must remember to take chicken from freezer!), not going for the wraps, but will make some spicy wedges and salad again!!!

HEA: Babybel cheese x 1 plus milk
HEB: Bread

Syns = 1
NO BEER WILL BE CONSUMED AT ALL TODAY. it might taste nice and cold but it is soooooo not worth the syns!!
NOt bad yesterday - stuck to my planned food but syns upped due to soured cream (LF version) and also a few tortilla crisps so am going for a total of 10 syns with dinner and grand total of 11 for the day - :p