ClaireL second chance diary

today is another extra easy day - weather still very hot and humid - my hair looks like I've been dragged through a bush backwards!! (always does this in the humidity!)- nothing can be done about it sadly just have to grin and bear it - I feel and look like a clown!!

Anyhow - plans for today's food is.....

Breakfast - raspberries and vanilla yogurt

Lunch - couscous with cucumber, pepper, red onion, spinach, cherry toms etc etc. and a little pork steak (cooked the other evening) to be chopped up and added

Dinner: option a) asparagus risotto (bought a packet from Hofer/Aldi - just add water but I need to check syn value before I give it a go - if it's too high then I go for option b!) or option b) schnitzel with potato salad a side salad will be on the menu no matter what - just for the superfree :D

HEA: Milk
HEB: possibly bread made into breadcrumbs for schnitzel or if I go for the risotto then I will have a couple of ryvita with Philadelphia (ELF) and beetroot later on as a snack

Syns - will keep count and update later:rolleyes: - so for various naughties which includes a glass of wine - total syn for yesterday is 14
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Yay - it's Friday and the last school day for my boys - 9 weeks of not having to wake at 6am, no packed lunches and sports kits to wash and dry overnight.......I'm still working but it is going to seem like a holiday!!! Love the summer break:D

So, to the food... last night's schnitzel turned out good but I hadn't made enough so I kindly backed out of Schnitzel for dinner and ended up having some lemongrass beef stew (new recipe from one of my little books that I was trying out) - took ages to cook - but was delish!! have some left for lunch today too :p had it with green beans and rice noodles


Now for today - again it's going to be extra easy

Breakfast: Grapes (nice and cold from fridge) then raspberries and vanilla yogurt


Lunch: left over lemongrass beef stew with green beans (no rice noodles today)

Dinner: not sure yet - maybe burgers, maybe salmon - will decide later this afternoon

Mmm looking back on my plan maybe I could pull a red day today, something for me to consider .


Hi diary - have been away for a few day as I have been sicky bad not well!! - feeling a little bit better now, not 100% but as I have not been bothering with the plan the last 3 days I need to get back to it, sooner the better.

So again it's extra easy today, sort of skipped breakfast as couldn't really stomach anything earlier on, so ended up with just 1 slice brown bread toasted with scrape of lurpak lighter (0.5 syns) at about 12md.

have since nibbled on some of the stir fry I made for the kids lunch - probably 2 syns for the sauce (didn't have much)

Dinner: not sure - have some couscous and ratatouille (made by OH) so might have a small bowl of that , or maybe some eggs- will update later and will have a look through my books and minimins for some motivation and inspiration for the rest of the week

HEA: Milk
HEB: Bread

Syns - 2.5 so far
thanks Kirsty - am feeling much, much better today

Last night I had the ratatouille and couscous for dinner, very filling!!

Probably about a total of 10syns for parmesan on dinner, and butter on bread, plus I have found a drink that is lurverly..just a fizzy water with lemon - not free though - so my drinks of that last night upped the total a little

So onwards...

today is probably going to be extra easy - (find it easier until I am back in the swing of things)

Breakfast: bread roll with 2 eggs scrambled and 2 small nectarines

Lunch: thinking tomato and courgette soup

Dinner: not sure - youngest son has his mate over so i will no doubt end up doing something with pasta - I mean what kid doesn't like pasta?? (fingers crossed it's not this one!!) I also have some chicken fillets that I should use up too - maybe hunters chicken if pasta not wanted - we will see but intend to stay on plan 100%

HEA: milk
HEB: bread roll

Syns: 1.5 for lurpak lighter spread on bread roll this am - rest to be consumed and totalled up later today:D
Soup was lush yesterday which is good news as it made loads!! Hope it freezes well;0)


For dinner we had Cajun chicken (lightened up) also yummy- no photo-- I forgot! 3.5 syns for the whole lot so I am going with 1 sun total per portion.

Also had. 2 fingers of kit Kay (and didn't really enjoy that so waste of syms :0() not sure how many syns so am saying 8 making grand total for yesterday 10.5.

Am still contemplating today so will update on decision later.
Extremely bad day yesterday - didn't get very far with my "contemplation"!! - ended up going out for impromptu lunch with a friend and was easily persuaded by said friend to go for the fish and chips along with 2 glasses of vino:eek: then in the evening had a big chunk of white baguette with cheese:eek::eek:

Not even going to calculate the syns as it will be just too depressing but am going to pull in syns for the rest of the week at least

Today will be either EE, red or green!! :rolleyes: - OK OK!! - but at least it will be one of these and I make a solemn promise not to veer off course today have been looking at my books and have a couple of thoughts but am going to do my food shop today and would like to keep my options open in case I find anything interesting out there ;)

Breakfast: Egg on 1 slice wholemeal bread



HEA Milk
HEB Bread

I'm a bit of a disaster at the mo Kirsty:p - but not to be deterred - am in this for the long run so am not in a rush to get the punds off - slow and steady is OK for me just now.

Had a great shopping excursion, popped into a little farm shop on the way home and found lots of lovely goodies - summer squash, field mushrooms, big bag of peppers (about 8 peppers in total), cauliflower, nectarines and lovely vine tomatoes all for just 8euros!!!! - will make this a regular haunt. It was so funny, it's about 23degress here and bright blue sky and the lady in the farm shop was all bundled up in vest top, shirt and jumper and saying how cold it was - I had to laugh, I was there in a t-shirt. Told her that in Cumbria (which is where I am originally from) if it's not raining then it's considered summer - she reckons it's going to get 'warm' next week . maybe she'll shed the pully then!! Haha

So, basically I am fully armed for several great days grub - yay:D

Lunch: had left over cajun chicken pasta (1syn) so that makes this an EE day

Dinner: Mmmmm, want to do something with the summer squash, but then again the field mushrooms look fab!! - could this be a case of too much choice - will update later with my final decision

Syns: 1 (so far)
To the victor the spoils- nom nom

Field mushrooms filled with golden courgette pilaf (thanks Britmum for your recipe site!) and Parmesan (half HEA as never use all HEA) with spinach and roasted vine toms


Very happy!!
Good day yesterday

Breakfast: toast n eggs (HEB)

Lunch : left over pilaf with veggies stir fried (peppers, onions, mushrooms)

Dinner: cooked the Malaysian chicken and red pepper curry and had with rice - here's a photo


Had couple of small glasses of wine 12 syns total

Today is extra easy

Breakfast: field mushrooms x2, grilled tomato, egg and wilted spinach- very nice ;0)

Will update rest of days offerings later
Lunch: egg fried rice
chocolate pudding (made from silken tofu and options) with raspberries and LF spray cream 3 syns

Snack: ryvita x3 with egg/mayo and cherry tomatoes

Am having a really hungry day today for some reason, keeping it on plan though :p

Dinner: chicken curry and rice - not enough superfree, curry had tomatoes and onions in but that was all!!!

Later on had crisps and 1 small glass of wine which I didn"t finish - 12 syns

total of 15 syns for the day!!
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Probably extra easy again today:D

Breakfast: bacon, eggs, cherry toms, golden courgette and onion with field mushrooms (Only 1 left now!)

Lunch - open prawn salad sandwich with SW chips was hungry!!

prawn sarnie.JPG

Dinner: Ribs and wings with yet more salad!! 5 syns for ribs - saying 0 for wings as I carefully picked skin off - much to amusement of my family - was a very messy business:p

HEA: milk (I never have all my HEA - always put it as milk but prob have max of 3 cuppas in the day - does anyone else have the same thing going on?)
HEB: Bread

total 5 syns for day - :D


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