Thanks Jim n Jar

Just feeling a bit fed up at the moment that's all. After forgetting to wi on mon i did tues n was over 2lb up!! However today i had a wi n was 176.6! So a loss of about 4lbs in 3 days.. Crazy. I'm sure it's just water weight but these last few days i've felt mahoosive again. Just need to knuckle down and keep going i guess. Did have a slightly naught brekkie/dinner though but couldv'e been worse and still intend on being on target carbs wise today.
D. One slice burgens soya n linseed bread toasted with butter on 11.9
Two scrambly eggies 0
Coffee with cream n sweetner 0.5
12.4 so far..
Had a sore tummy all night last night and felt massively bloated. Ended up having two trapped wind tablets as the one just didn't cut it. Then was still unfortable and couldn't drop off despite being shattered so heated up my wheat bag teddy n dropped off with it on my tummy. Woke up and it was still in place!! Must've slept without moving at all which is unlike me. Had a lie in today and feel sleepy still, think this last set of shifts has taken it outta me for some reason. Had to do one late, one mid then five earlies though and i hate doing earlies as i picked up extra due to a colleague being on leave which means no cover, just me n no breaks either which is a pain when it's busy.
On top of that, mum n dads cat but kinda mine n me bros too as we were at home for years whilst the cat was, is in the vets at the mo. Not looking good at all, mums upset, brother wont talk about it as he's a soft sod at heart.. Hope the poor ol thing pulls through, will be v.sad if he doesn't. Will feel wierd going home to mum n dads n him not being there. Will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Having hair done again tmoz - hurrah!!

That'll cheer me up. Got me car booked in for service n mot next week - £250. Cheaper than some places i know but still a lot of money i don't exactly have lol. Got me new 0% tesco card through though so can at least get my secondary glazing booked in so it'll be done before winter thankfully. All sodding expense at the moment!!