Silver Member
Your doing so well, keep up the good work!!
I've not been up to much, my wee girl was in Florida with my parents and came back last weekend, so i've been off work all week spending time with her..but the weathers been rubbish so been in all the time...pretty bored really, which doesn't help with eating.
Your doing great with your food, i've nver counted fat before, but it looks pretty easy, I used xenical a couple of years ago, infact i've still got a months supply in my cupboard. I dunno how you can have 2 squares of chocolate!! lol that would drive me insane...ive decided to stop all chocolate coz one bit is never enough!!

Your doing so well, keep up the good work!!
I've not been up to much, my wee girl was in Florida with my parents and came back last weekend, so i've been off work all week spending time with her..but the weathers been rubbish so been in all the time...pretty bored really, which doesn't help with eating.
Your doing great with your food, i've nver counted fat before, but it looks pretty easy, I used xenical a couple of years ago, infact i've still got a months supply in my cupboard. I dunno how you can have 2 squares of chocolate!! lol that would drive me insane...ive decided to stop all chocolate coz one bit is never enough!!