** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

It never does look very much when it arrives, eh?

The haloumi sounds yummy - and enjoy your dinner. Hopefully you're feeling a bit more chipper now you've spoken with your granny xxx
Kitty kat sprawled on me having a cuddle


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T. Half a mattesons sossie sliced up, half a bag of ready chopped leeks n cabbage, handful baby spinach leaves all cooked up in a spoon of butter. Then a spoon of Philly stirred thru.


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Morning Claire, she looks really perky :)
Good news on Kitty cat then, she will be back to mischief before you know it (or probably already is lol). How are you feeling today? xxx
She's pretty much back to normal now :) And talking again. Was weird not hearing her meow away as normally she's a very vocal puddy.

Visit to grandma went well this afternoon, much more like her old self :) She apparently just needs to do a number two n then they'll let her go home! So fingers crossed it'll be soon.

Just roasting some chicken portions. Drummers n thighs. Some for tea with cabbage n leek mix cooked in butter n gonna throw in some broccoli too. Then cold chicken leftover for snackage, possibly to put into a quiche n then the bones in another broth pot thingy.