** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Hope you have a lovely day Claire... it'll be great to see grandma although it sounds like a bit of a drive!

I used to get my ex MiL some nice smelly refreshing face/body wipes or some nice hand cream. :)
Morning Claire, poor kitty, but it's necessary iisn't it. I hope your Gran is OK.
Morning Claire - poor Kitty, but as Jim says, it has to be done.

I like the idea of the wipes for your granny, when you're lying in hospital, it can be lovely to just quickly freshen yourself up a bit :)
Morning. Well she's at the vet, poor little thing. Howled the place down.

Here's a pic of her before we left home. Completely unaware.


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Awwwwww poor Kitty, we used to have a cat that howled all during the journey in the car, he absolutely hated going to the vets. It is a necessary evil though, you are doing the right thing for her, she will forgive you xxx

Hope your visit to the hozzy goes well, fresh wipes sound like a brilliant idea to me! :hug99: xxx
You are doing the best thing for kitty. Hope the day went ok
Traumatic day to say the least. Grandmas still in intensive care. Got there n was just settling in n she wanted to sit up which made her cannula come out. Blood everywhere. Dr then couldn't find another vein anywhere. Held her hand all the way thru. Hate needles. Tried both feet. She was in agony. Made me feel feint. Got to the point where I was either gonna hit the dr for putting her in pain, feint or throw up. Had to leave before doing any of the above. Went out for air. Came back n things were sorted.

Picked cat up. She's very woozy, can't walk straight, got huge pupils n really down.

Reversed sodding car into sticky out bit of wall in my carpark causing large graze to rear bumper. Just too tired n stressed to concentrate.

Just ordered mixed kebab n salad for tea. Dinner was two rashers bacon, two fried eggs, one skinny sossie, few mushies n spoon tinned toms.
Awwwwwwww bless you :0( what a nightmare!! My head cold is insignificant in comparison!!!

It can only get better from here on in!!! xx

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Oh bless - its a good thing your on rest days - at least you haven't got to face going to work after the day you've had xx

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Oh Claire... what a blinking awful day!! You poor thing ... hugs!

Hope things start to get better now... xx
Mornin all. Pardon the pun but cat napped all night. Weird dream about me having a brand new canal boat. Invited some friends from yrs ago to come stay as it had two double bedrooms n a put u up in the lounge. Was obsessed with making sure they kept it clean n tidy. One wanted all our combined money for food budget etc. I found out n took it off him as I thought he was gonna buy drugs with it! So I then kept the cash in the safe in my bedroom in the boat n made him come to me each day for that days money to make it last lol. Weird.

Kitty is a little less woozy n her eyes have calmed down from dinner plate size. Let her sleep on the pillow next to me all night. For her reassurance n being able to keep a close eye in her (not to mention lots of kisses).

Today is gonna be chilled. More napping. Need to do a big shop tonight if kitty's looking ok.
Morning Claire, wow, what a crap day yesterday then, pleased to hear that kitty is a little better love
Kitty kat snoozing. She's much better today than last night. Her pupils are back to normal size, she's less wobbly, warming up a bit n had a little to eat. Letting her snooze as much as she likes n staying close to her. She gets easily unnerved, probably due to being deaf.


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