** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Evening claire, hope you get your mri soonish
Evening Claire... Sounds miserable being in such pain!! Hope it eases soon! Hugs xx
I'm going to have to take the dihy....codeine tonight and amitryptaline - back is kerfoooked after zumba - bounced around too hard so I will join you in your pain! Apart from that, that tub of nosh looks quite yum :)
I take 50mg amitryptiline a night as a migraine preventative n it's been brill. So that, 150mg diclofenic a day n whatever paracetamol/cocodamol when needed. Gosh that's three of us with knackered backs now!! Hope u get a restful night hun n it relaxes a bit.

The veg pot was amazing! Really enjoyed it. :)
I've got 7 x 2mg of those from when I had bad TMJ a couple yrs ago. I did wonder about trying one before bed... Got some tramadol too but that's horrid n doesn't help.
Bootiful girl


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Morning Claire, look at that daft cat, LOL.
I'd like a cat :( live too close to the main road and don't want a squished one - although Mr E isn't keen on cats as well which doesn't help.

Are you on a shift again today? I don't work on Wednesday and have the rest of the week off, not sure what we are doing yet!

And... how did you sleep last night? I took the blue pills and zonked out, trouble is I have a problem waking up in the morning!
Yep day 6 of 7 today. Should be in 1500-2300 but doing a 1200-2000 as got court in the morning. On a rest day. Blahhh.

Slept with the pillow between my knees last night as suggested by Sez n legs n hips feel a bit achy this morning. Weird.

Quick market shop for fruit n veg this morning then head into work.
pooh for having to do something on a rest day work wise.

weird with the pillows, I have tried lying on back, starts off ok but in the morning I am on my side!
I did it for about a year when my back was really bad and I found it did help, might have another go with that now you have reminded me. It just takes the pressure off the lower back a little but is a bugger when you want to turn over in bed as you have to wake up to do it.....................xx
is this the back pain club thread,may i join ?
pillow between the legs makes a difference,i loath to turn
over as it's so painful,i have to go like a snail,then i'm
really awake dagnabit:mad:
and i've got a pain in my bum cheek(just thought i'd share :eek: )
Wait...how'd you get a pain in your bum cheek?!
It's a loooong story boggins! Lol. Have had numb left outer thigh two yrs since I was really poorly in Egypt. Didn't hurt so ignored it. Recently the sciatic nerve down that leg has been twingy. Then my lower back around coccyx area went twang last fri night n seized up when I hoofed my kit bag in the car in work. Relaxed over sat n sun but then got in an erm 'altercation' the sun night in work n twanged it again. Lol. N now the thigh it more twingy than ever.

N yes the more than merrier to join our back crew! Ha