** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Me too, in fact the only person who hates them more than me is Trev lol. And of all the flaming cheek it was sitting on my new net curtains!!!!! Well, no more as it's gone up the hoover lol.
Afternoon Claire, this lot are nothing if not random......... ;)

How is your back today, I had an hour or so this morning when my leg was aching but it seems to have righted itself again xxx
Haha don't be Lisa Hun. I love randomness :)

Lo Bren, pleased u seem to be on the mend. My leg seems to be getting worse if I'm honest. Last night before I dosed off it was even more numb on the outer edge. I'm sure it's feeling more weak than my other leg too. Got my copy of the MRI request form thru today so at least I know it's been asked for. Reading the provisional diagnosis from the dishy doc it says - left sided sciatica with numbness in distribution L2/L3 nerve root. Poss prolapse/protrusion of lumber spine.
Afternoon susie love. Bruises getting better thanks. Just need my back/leg sorting lol. It's so strange that now the muscles not sore after my back twang my back doesn't actually hurt as such. It's the numb thigh n nerve pain that is sucky.
Gosh - hope you can get a diagnosis soon and start working on sorting it
Hey ladies.

Had a leg pillow snooze this afternoon :) Best n safest place to be! Wake up with achy hips when having leg pillow sleeps. Dunno if that means my hips are maybe opening up n so a good thing?! I'm sure it's nothing serious (well probably more like hoping) as I'm not in agony with my back. Just nerve pain, leg numbness n the odd twinge pains.

Food today -

Oatsosimple with milk - hex a + b
Egg salad - 2 hard boiled eggs, iceberg, cucumber n two tomatoes with hellmans mustard mayo
Roast chicken
Roast vegs - 2 carrots, 1/2 a sweet potato, 1 onion n 1 parsnip sprinkled with olly oil, herbs, garlic n red chillies


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Sounds like you are enjoying your food Claire xx

Re the back, have you thought of chiropractic? When mine was really bad (having to be carried to the car to get to see him) it really really helped me, took a few sessions to get right but any attacks since have been tiny in comparison and it has been years now, just a thought xxx
I was planning on physio, osteopathy (there's a good local one whos treated me for maybe 20yrs). Not sure what the difference is with a chiropractor? But either way I should probably hold off till after I get the results of the MRI to be sure I won't aggravate anything. Just a waiting game at the mo I suppose. Boooo.

N yes I'm reasonably enjoying the food. Trying to put all thoughts if bad things like cake out my head. It's hard once carbs are back on the menu to stay good n in track avoiding the bad carbs. I'm still avoiding pasta n bread n only rarely having proper tata's n rice.
Hard to explain chiropractic - but they use a bed that collapses under you when they press on your spine, or whichever area they are working on, bit weird at first but it works...................
Ooo sounds interesting. I'll google it. Always wondered what the difference was. Think I'll ring my healthcare tmoz. Gotta pay the first £100 I think but if they get my scan in quicker n then hopefully some treatments with physio, osteo and/or chiro it should be worth it. My osteo is £35 for a single half hour sesh so I'll probably get my money's worth.