** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Great to see you back Claire!!! Shame about all the crap your having though :(

I'm off on said march and looking forward to it, although not looking forward to the pick up of 4am!!

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Jan use the thread posted earlier. It's all the hints n tips u need to start Atkins. I'm not currently following any diet, let alone low carb or atkins due to things going on in my life at the mo. This is my personal diary thread about my life n such. I'm sure if u actually read the main Atkins board you'll find the info u need or u can even start a thread there if there's something specific you're stuck on. If u start you're own diary thread n list there what you're eating etc people will I'm sure drop by n give advice.
Hugs Claire, not much else I can say - except I know just how awful the back thing is and hope you get it sorted soon xxxx
Evening claire, sorry to hear you are still suffering ((hugs))
Thanks lovelies! Bought a tennis ball today to lie on the floor n roll it round under the sciatic bum cheek n help ease off the pressure point. Worth a go.
Morning Claire and gentle hugs so I don't make your back feel worse! Xx
Evening - hope it helps:)
Hellos. Had the MRI this afternoon. Wasnt half as bad as I expected. Took about 20mins. Up to 3wks for the results tho! Gonna go mad if I'm cooped up at work all that time! Hopefully they'll come thru quicker tho.
Re-enrolled at mr jim today. Went straight from the scan. Was sensible tho n did 30mins on the treadmill. Mostly brisk walking interspersed with light jogging. Did 5mins on the sit-back bike then stopped as way too achy on lower back area. Going again tmoz after work. Will do more walking.
Hello you,

Nice to see ya back :)

Don't go doing too much too soon, I'd wait for your results as you don't know what its aggravating....

Good luck with finding out a bit sooner!!

J x

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Please be careful Claire... Sounds way too soon to do things like that!!! Hugs xxx
Afternoon Claire, don't overdo it lovely, you don't want to push yourself back into bad pain xxxx ok will stop nagging now. ;)

PS did you get my pm or have I dreamed that I sent you one? xx