** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

SO adorable! :)
Hi Claire, I'm back all bronzed and beautiful ;)
Ooh Jim - how exciting;). Do we get photos?!
LOL Claire,

yes Katie, photo's posted :)
She's a darlin n follows me everywhere round the flat. She even sits at the end of my bath when I have a shower. The she tip-toes round the edge behind the shower curtain n I'll see a paw poke round the edge closest to me!! It's so funny when she does that.
Haha - they are hilarious around baths aren't they:D


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She's addicted to my bath at the min! She spends ages whacking the plug chain about. So much so the plug has come off n I now have the chain dangling. She also commando stylee climbs the shower curtain.