** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

This is the female who has been nick named Fanny-Ann


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Aww she's got the look down to a t. 'I'm the boss, serve me'. She's a suave lady! She looks all refined. Kitty is definitely finding her own lil personality.
The weather for it.

Shirley has been moved to another location, the neighbour's sister, very sad but hopefully she will be better looked after. And as fate would have it, my boss told me about her next door neighbour who is looking for a home for their female tortie - go to FB and search "Orbit Cat" - such a sweetie :)
I've emailed her via her owners, who sent a very funny email back. Going to see her next week and if we get on, she's mine :)

Here's the emails -

Dear Orbit

Your next door neighbour told me about your story because she knew I was looking for a lovely cat to come and live with me and generally boss me about.

I'm a girl too and I live in SE London. It's a small flat but it has a huge 30 metre garden, mostly overgrown, so it's very good for playing hide and seek with beetles. I leave the bathroom window open all the time so you could get in and out when you liked, and I don't need any encouragement to buy things in boxes so you can play with them.

I'm very sorry your current servants are going away but if you like the sound of me as a replacement, please email me at [email protected].


Hi Susie,

That sounds really good to me. I can easily jump in and out of a window too. I scare the old lady next door sometimes 'cause I jump from way high in the upstairs window and land down on to the shed.

Those people who I've been living with, don't leave for another couple of weeks. My brother Sputnik makes decisions really quickly and and fell off the banister and down the stairs the other day (he was okay). Me, I like to have a while to mull things over. So you don't have to make up your mind right away, I understand.

Maybe someone else will see my picture and hear my story and want to take me. But I promise not to go with anyone else until I hear from you. The nice neighbour lady upstairs says you're really great.

Well, I better go. There's a moth in here somewhere so I'm going to have to sort that out. Then I guess it'll be nap time again. And dinner soon...

I am super-duper happy to hear from you,


Oh my gosh susie!!! That sounds so very hopeful. She sounds a right darling! I've got a good feeling about her. Aww thanks so much for telling me about her. That story has really made me smile :) I really hope u get her.

Kitty has been my shadow today. As normal really. We've had a sleepy snoozy day. She's been very fussy n loving today.
Thanks hun - it does sound right, doesn't it. I will be unsufferable, and will bombard you with pics and stories :)

I can't think of anything nicer than a sleepy snoozy day with a lovely puddy tat :) xx
Aw that letter really made me smile susie!! I really hope you end up with orbit, it sounds like a match made in heaven!
Well make sure u keep us all updated Hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya! Can't wait for piccies n stories if u become hers!


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Which app -like it :D
Thx xx
I took round to mum n dads last night. This is her teaching mums dog tashi the ins n outs of her shoe fetish.


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