** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

I'm sure it will be a lovely colour!! :)
Afternoon Claire hope you're happy with the colour - spontaneity is a good thing! :D

Orbit has arrived but is under the sofa, so going to leave her there until she gets used to all the new smells and noises. Then it'll be picture time :D
The hair looks ok thankfully. Just looked a scary colour in the bottle.

Susie how is orbit settling in? Has she come put from underneath the sofa yet?
Morning Claire glad you like the colour!

Orbit is fine now, snuggled down under my duvet. Pics and update on my thread :D

Morning all! Just heading out for sunday dinner with the family :)

Kitty's pouncing continues... It doesn't even need to move for her to pounce on it. I have two scratches on my lip as a result :-(
Heya Claire... Hope you are enjoying the nice weather... Loving the photos of kitty you have made me want my own bundle of fluff :)
I think it's just part of her learning how to hunt really. She is pouncing a lot these day's but even more so on my quilt. I was curled up trying to nod off n she pounced on my face. I tapped her nose n gave her my best sad face. She hid under the bed for a while n I made sure not to coax her out. She eventually came out, jumped up onto the bed n licked my fingers I think in her way of saying sorry.
Hi Claire... glad you like the hair colour but sorry you've ended up with kitty scratches! She is so adorable though - and thank you for sharing all those wonderful piccies! :)
Thanks huni. The hair looks nice when the sun shines on it, nice reddy shiny plummy kinda colour.

Managed to get a clip of kitty's ringing sound! It's a short n dark clip but I can put it onto Facebook if anyone's interested?

Kitty's sleeping now after exploring the inside of a chest of drawers n getting stuck for a couple of mins.


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Oh dear it seems kitty doesn't want me to sleep tonight. I put her out my room about 20mins ago to get to sleep. She meowed outside my door so I tried to ignore her till she got the hint n took herself off to bed but she then managed to squeeze herself thru the door which was closed to but not on the latch. Hmm.
Gorgeous photo Claire! Though you and Susie aren't getting much shut eye right now! :)
Morning Claire, kitty problems :)
Hi all. Last nights adventures continued most the night with loud meowing outside my door. I then awoke to a crash so investigated the bathroom n she'd managed to pull my plant off the loo cistern into the loo along with herself. Mud, plants n water everywhere. Sorted it out for another crash half hour later n she'd done it again! Then more meowing outside the door just as I was dozing off. Let her in in case she wanted a cuddle but no she was a whirling dirvish instead. Grr. Tired mardy Claire today.
Oh Claire hun, they really know how to press our buttons eh? Can you move the plants elsewhere, otherwise Kitty will keep on pulling them down. I've had to move stuff from the table at the end of my bed for that reason.

My boss told me to go home early after I managed to actually walk into the door LOL. Hope you get a really good night's sleep tonight, you and Kitty!