** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Morning Claire, I love Garlic and Onions of all types ;)
Morning all. Random confessions from u all about garlic n onions lol!! Made me smile.

Pfffft. I'm again really tired today. Dunno where any get up n go I had has gone. Keep going over the idea of the blood test the dr mentioned last time I went for possible thyroid probs. I'm such a wuss though n hate needles. Then I keep telling myself I'm fine just not rested enough etc. Grrr. I dunno. Surely after quite a few hrs sleep I'd feel more rested? But I don't.
I'd get tested Claire, that'll sort out any doubt love
Yes, I agree with Jim, Claire - always best to get checked then you'll know. :)
Morning, best get it over and done with then love
Hi claire - im a wuss too. But sometimes you just have to get these things sorted!
Have you done it yet?

LOL, Nag, Nag. I'm spending too much time with women on this board and it's rubbing off
hello claire love hows it going?? ive.missed ya!
Hi Claire! :)
Hello ladies! :) I've missed u too Laura. I've been wanting to come back for a while but u know me, all or nothing, so only really made up my mind today n exante is the way forward. Cold turkey hehe.
You're very brave! I am so bad at going TFR lol :)
What's TFR? Sorry, imma biff.

Just ordered a months supply of exante dust. Two shakes n one bar a day. Starting tmoz. Still having sf squash n my usual couple of brews a day so not exactly 100% but it worked before n hopefully it'll keep me on it as doing my job n shift working is hard enough.
tfr= total food replacement lol...sounds good to me claire, you will feel so much better after a week on exante when the headaches etc are over and u realise how much u have lost!!