** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Chicken broth cooking up on the stove. Had half peri peri chicken left over in the fridge still on the bone so lobbed that in with enough water to cover n added two sticks chopped celery, sliced mushies, two chopped spring onions, tsp chopped garlic n few herbs. Will leave for an hr or so then thicken slightly if needed with xantham n poss a smudge of double cream.

Got some sprouts in so gonna try Laura's concoction one night this week.
All done, thickened with a little xantham n a small splash of cream added. Finally I can eat today lol.


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Looks really nice Claire!! You'll have to add it to the pictures of meals and nibbles thread x

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Just finished that bowl. It was really tasty for something quite plain n simple. Quite pleased with myself :)

Hope ur night shift went ok chick?
It was as dull as ever!!! Really struggled.....

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She is a cutie. I was watching cat woman with Halle berry at the time too lol.

Just sorted brekkie n dinner for work tmoz. 2 rashers bacon, 1 sossie, egg ready for nuking in the lil bottle, cheese nibbles n tuna, cucumber n lettuce salad.


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It's from wilco's. Think it was a fiver. They don't detach no. Pleased I no longer need to take loads of different tubs though n it also makes me think about portion control. Should work quite well for a hot meal in the bottom with snacks in the top when I'm on lates or nights. Will just have to plate up before nuking but I guess it'll mean I can eat like a normal meal for once rather than always out tupperware tubs.
wow you are organised claire...i dont even know what im having for tea lol
Me neither lol. Think it's gonna be a pork version of ur sprout concoction :) Can't believe I've only had a bowl of broth n a nibble of cheese all day so far.
mmmm it was delish
Sprouts n pork cooking in butter. Added a dash of soy sauce, a dash of Tabasco n a splash of double cream. It's yummy.


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Great pics Claire... Food looks really tasty! And I love your kitty! So sweet! :)
She's a narna but a cute one. She managed to break another little plate last night, knocking it off the draining board. So I'm down from six to one lol.

Tea was yummy. Jim will be proud of me keeping it plain n green :) N no frankenfoods, as yet.
Dinner looks scrumptious!

Sorry about the plates, though, head onto eBay and buy a cheap set, sounds like you might need to stock up :D
Thanks Hun. Think I'll have to pop to matalan or somewhere cheap. Maybe even asda or wilco's. They're originally from matalan but a few yrs back so no doubt the range has gone.

Tea was tasty :) My day looked like this -

B. Zzzzzzzzzzz
D. Albeit mid afternoon, bowl of chicken broth
T. Pork n sprout congloboration

D. 2 coffees with cream, lots of glasses of sf squash

Tmoz will be -

B. 1 sossie, 2 rashers bacon, 2 scrambledy eggs
D. Tuna, iceberg lettuce, cucumber n mayo. Cubes of Cheshire cheese.
T. Probably the same as today unless I convince mum into doing her roast for tea rather than dinner so I can gate crash n have roast meat, veg n gravy.

D. No doubt a few cups a coffee (essential in work) n a couple pints sf squash. Must consider getting cream to take to work for my brews but only in 2-3 days this set of shifts so I'll be naughty n have milk.