
Hi Nikki,

I am sorry you OD'd on "helpers"... I hope you are better now.

This whole gym thing sounds criminal. UGH!
fingers are like sausages. weight has remaind stable. going to get no massive loss myself this week as i've had a couple of days of eating low carb stuff. back to it today, no more messing. at this rate i'll loose less than i want to in the time i've got. i really want to be thin, just wish it was easier.
My picture of Emily 1st day back to school in September. Been meaning to post this for ages. The uniform look cool but..... Her hat is a bit gunked, her jacket needs to be dry cleaned. It all attracts dog hairs, the white ones. my Sunday routine now includes de- hairing everything with a sticky roller :(

Anyway, went to loo earlier and I'm spitting a bit. Very strange as I had my depo last week. It's my right side too as I can feel it niggling. Flaming body!


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Fingers are like sausages. weight has remaind stable. going to get no massive loss myself this week as i've had a couple of days of eating low carb stuff.

I feel bloated, too. I really think it is the heat.

Back to it today, no more messing. :) At this rate i'll loose less than i want to in the time i've got. :sigh: I really want to be thin, just wish it was easier.

Ah, don't we all. :sigh:


Could the "spitting" be related to the extra "helpers" somehow?

Such a cute picture. My DD's uniform jumper black and I have to lint roll her every morning and Yorkies do not shed... it is her hair and mine! lol

I hope you have a good day!

Oh my god Nikki, how grown up does she look in her uniform, aw bless her. As for the other thing it could be because of the depo, not had depo myself so not sure about the potential side effects.
i feel very sick! :jelous:

had a shake this am, next one at 3pm at the metro. we got there at 12 and walked the length and breadth of that indoor shopping centre. drove home and had a coke zero. i'd drank about 1lt of water and a venti americano whilst out.

just had my 3rd shake but i was feeling so sick that i wasn't sure if it was lack of 'shake' or i've got a bug! still feel sick now and i've had my shake. i have one more to go still. the scales are high considering i've walked all day, had only 2 out of 4 shakes. very odd.

weigh in tomorrow.
I had a sneaky peek at mine too and I'm up 1lb, which I'm very p!ssed off about, but it serves me right for looking. :cry: there's no reason for this other than water retention. I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad it's cooled down again.
had my 4th shake and still feel funny! just wanna burp for england and spend night on the loo. i'm wondering if there's something going round! just do not feel well!
i really feel sick. my mouth is juicing. think i'm going to chuck at this rate. sorry for TMI! just do not feel well and don't know what to do. can't afford to puke!
Oh dear Nikki, I hate that feeling! Hope you feel better soon! We're a right pair of sickies, you with your tummy bug and me with my sinusitis :(
still feeling dodgy this am. didn't chuck but went to bed and fell asleep. that was not long after 9pm.

weigh in and i think it's a 6lb loss. feel bloated and ill too.
So tired. Just want to sleep. Not interested in food/shakes/drinks. I've forced a cup of tea down me. I'm a coffee addict so this is very strange. Only time this happened before was with morning sickness and I couldn't drink coffee for fear of throwing up! I'm not pregnant lol.

CDCs scales were broken so she had borrowed a set and said they weighed heavy. 3lbs heavy! So I'm going by my scales reading this week as it is usually the same as CDCs regular scales. So I'm recording a 6lb loss. Things should be back to normal next week when she gets her scales back.
Awwww Nikki,

I hope you are feeling better soon. Congrats on the big loss!

i had some small cat naps this pm, in between putting on the box for dude. that hour did me good, that and the headache tablets. feel so much better.

why is it when you are not well that everyone blames your diet! it isn't my diet, i've got a bug. hubby came home for dinner and said i felt really hot to the touch.
Yep my tooth is because of my diet apparently, if I was actually eating it would be okay ffs!! I've heard everything now!
In bed, 9.51pm and I'm still awake! Suprised. Past 3 nights I've conked out at this time. Busy tomorrow.

Ems to school
Mum to bath
Shopping to do and put away
Revising gold to do
Dude to feed then take to nursery
Gold to teach
Coffee time
Ems to collect
Hair app
Tea to do
People to feed
Zumba to teach

Then..,.,. I'm spent! Lol.
Somewhere amongst this lot I'll have my shakes!

Had 3 shakes today. 1st one not til 2pm cause that is when I started feeling better.

I've drank 0 coffee today which isn't like me at all!
NO COFFEE!!! No wonder you are feeling a bit down. The BBC told me that Coffee is an anti-depressant, so the next time someone tells I am drinking too much coffee... I'm gonna ask they if they have any Prozac they'd care to share! ;)

Wow -- your day is packed. And, I'll bet some people would refer to you as a non-working mother (there's no such thing!).
house wife lol (house elf?) non working mum :) all so funny. going to go back to teaching when dude's at school which seems closer than i thought. he might be starting easter next year. my baby! all grown up!

we are in the midst of trying to potty train him. just taking it as it comes. had him in pants yesterday and he did ok. took ems to school and then to my mum's and as soon as he entered he wet himself. think it might have been excitement. then the rest of the day he was naked. went potty, got stickers etc. he did very well. took him potty, went to get emily from school then home. he feel asleep in the car and woke dry - so he is ready! then he wet himself when i was listening to ems reading and words. i think it is cause i didn't want him in the conservatory with us as he is a distraction. hubby was home but obviously didn't take care to watch him. so next time he came through he was soaked through with wee. it's going to take time but it's great first days.