
Hi Nikki,

Did I know you were a teacher? What ages? Subjects?

I found my son much harder to potty train than my daughter. So, it is great that you such a positive attitude.
i'm seemingly surprising myself at the min. i'm so far into ketosis (or so i believe) that i just don't fancy eating, not hungry, don't care about food. this is strange. i didn't have my first shake til lunchtime. i had it cause i knew i should have it rather than needing it. just had my 2nd now at 3pm. how am i going to fit in 4 today?

just did zumba gold. had 4 ladies there. 2 from last week and 2 new ladies. think i've killed off the other 5 that came the first week. i think the first week was a learning curve. these past 2 have been ace! next week, no going over the same 4 but moving on.
Hi Nikki,

Did I know you were a teacher? What ages? Subjects?

I found my son much harder to potty train than my daughter. So, it is great that you such a positive attitude.

i'm a primary school teacher so nursery to year 6. 3-11 year olds. all subjects! not that it means i'm brill at all subjects, some i am fine with after reading up my topic. mostly history, geography and some science. i'm ok a plants and most things but it's the weights and measures, newtons that i'm not as good at.... physics!

my specialist area is music! although when i return it will most likely be physical education (PE, sports) too. planning on doing level 2 kids exercise qualification to help with my zumba teaching. hubby seems ok with this as it is aimed at kids and not 'adults' but will give me a qualification that can be used for zumba and for my school stuff.

dude's doing ok with the potty but he could be better. he's 2 1/2 and emily was totally day trained now and very very good at it. he's behind but we've taken, or i've taken, the go with the flow as it will suit him and i better.
of my lovelies..... it's 8.30pm and i've still 1 shake to go. i really can't be bothered having it. yesterday i was ill, today just not hungry and not interested. feel a bit tired. i also find that if i exercise and keep busy food is furthest from my mind when i'm in ketosis. mind i've had 3 and it's not like i've had 2. i'm on the border of getting away with 3 but do better hunger wise on 4 sometimes. i'm 5ft 8in.... right in on the edge of having 3 or 4.

well.... i got 4 lovely ladies for my gold. i'm thinking that i must have killed my first 5 off lol :rolleyes: tonight i got 3, which is not enough to pay for the hall fees so i keep loosing money on it. 3 more weeks and it's gone! unless my advertising starts working i can't go on loosing or making £2. i used to get 10-13 people but now....
I am sure it will pick up -- the weather has been so good I am sure that has been a factor.
i'm such a naughty scale hopper. i'm 13st and 1/2lb this morning. makes me want the 12st range to be tomorrow!
I'm impressed!
once again..... no loo visit! grrrrr! have taken something. i can feel it as well. belly feels strange.
once again..... no loo visit! grrrrr! have taken something. i can feel it as well. belly feels strange.

WHY? Is it that uncomfortable? Can't you try the fibre drink that CD sells or another one.

I hope you feel better soon.
WHY? Is it that uncomfortable? Can't you try the fibre drink that CD sells or another one.

I hope you feel better soon.

it is uncomfortable mel. feels like i'm sitting on a mountain and my belly looks bigger. desperate measures. it really doesn't take much to make me feel uncomfortable. last time i went is when i took too many..... that was saturday and it's now wednesday. 4 days with nothing!
Poor Nikki --

Oh, I can't blame you then. Does CD always affect you this way? Maybe you could have CD porridge for one meal -- I have porridge once a day and seldom have any issues.
i either go too much or not enough.
hi all

not doing too well today. picking at stuff. low carb, protein foods but still picking. thinking it's not mega bad but it's got to stop. i'm planning on a fresh start tomorrow with only 4 full days and it's weigh in. i can recover from a dodgy day. i'm still in ketosis as i'm not eating anything with carbs. was sort of looking for ward to taking the kids to see the lion king in 3d tonight and having tea out at nandos (chicken salad.... i've started eating chicken on occasion, so no longer a full on vegetarian). the lion king doesn't start til friday. :( then hubby said he was going to be late home. he'd finished at 5pm but he's cycling and the traffic at 5pm was too bad to cycle in so he had to wait til 6pm.

anyway a productive day. i cleaned the kids playroom carpet with the cleaner then did the rug in the living room. it's a large rug and took my 3 full tanks to clean it... all were black :eek: then i did the dining room chairs as they're suede and get dirty quick with the kids but easily clean. i also did the skirting boards and the doors. then the finished with cleaning the paint work... we have scrubbable walls, special paint, i love this paint. i also touched up the kids playroom walls with yellow paint as they'd drawn on it in places and earlier this year i painted the kitchen blue and emily put her hands in the wet paint when i wasn't watching and put them on the walls so i painted it all in.

then.... i went to pick up some parcels. got dude's blue curtains today, i've his cars bedding so all i now need to do is paint his room. i think i'll do it friday. i'll pop to tescos tomorrow and use some clubcard vouchers and buy some blue paint. i'm even tempted to change his cotbed into a bed since hubby is being difficult about spending money on getting emily a bed right now. mind he is happy in his cot.

i also went to look round total fitness before picking up ems from school. i think i like it. it's not as posh as DL's but i think i'll get more value for money. i had a letter this am saying that in jan my fees would be £107 (don't think they know fully that i'm leaving). then, of course i'll spend £64 a month on creche fees. so i would be paying out £171! total fitness is £39.50 for me a month, £10 a month for the kids and £4.50 an hour in the creche (i pay £4 an hour right now so up a bit).

i then took ems to her swimming lesson. dropped her off whilst i went into the main part of the members lounge and let dude go into the soft play.

then home, washer on, tea on.

busy day. however, this is sort of normal. :)

i wonder if i'll get anyone for ZumbAtomic tomorrow. i'm thinking that i'm only part way through my advertising. i've not managed to get out with any leaflets so far this week. so i just don't know if i should drop it or ride it out another couple of weeks til the school hols. i keep loosing money on it. £10 a time for hall hire. i got 1 the first week so was down £7, last week no-one £10 down. i can't keep on like this.
I seriously have no idea where you find the time to fit all that in you're like Supermum!! I'm shattered by the time I get home from work I don't want to do anything but lie down on the sofa. I'm hoping my energy levels pick up a bit next week (wk 3).

Aw I love Lion King, it was one of my brothers favourite films when he was younger so we always had it on.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow!
today i'm starting again after my picking at stuff (cheese and nuts :()

day 1 lol

4 shakes, water and coffee (maybe 2 cans of coke zero).... no more and no less

today's plan

get dressed :D
get dude up
get ems dressed (blah blah blah)
take ems to school
sort out my large draws and glue them
go do a body pump class
sort out my wardrobe
pick ems up
drop off dude at my mum's house
teach ZA
pick up kids
serve tea
go and teach Zumba

loads calmer than yesterday... however, i really need some string so i'll be off to find some today for my zumba banner.
WOW! You got a lot accomplished yesterday. I am sure the picking was no biggie -- your cals were probably still under 1,200 and with all the fitness you do: they'll burn off.

I am suprised that the gyms up there charge members for the chreche -- or at least do not discount it some. Our local gyms only charge casual use members for the creche.

Have you thought about contacting schools to see if you could offer Zumbatronic as a club at lunch or after school? Or is childcare too difficult for that?

Nandos sounds good -- you need the protein from the chicken. Being a total veggie makes good nutrition more difficult.

I hope your day goes well.

Phew another busy day. Decided yesterday that today I was going to paint dude's room. I've only managed about 1/3rd to half though, it needs 2 coats. Thought I'd finish where the curtains go so I can put them up tonight. Going to finish it tomorrow.


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