I have had a nice morning bathing the dogs as they were starting to get a bit whiffy.
Eating has been fine. I'm loving scrambled eggs at the moment so had some with bacon.
Also I have my wedding ring on! Haven't been able to wear it due to my weight somehow having been on my fingers but I can now wear it. John hasn't even noticed yet. I will have to wave my fingers around in front of him a bit. It's nice having it on. I haven't tried my engagement ring, thats a size smaller so maybe a few more pounds time.
John is going to his Dads later so I will do my run then maybe watch a film. I watched Source Code the other night, I wasn't looking forward to it but it was actually ok.
I've had a lovely afternoon. Did my run and just had a lovely shower and feel sqeaky clean. This will soon be ruined when I take the dogs out but I'll put that off as long as I can.
I've managed to get myself back into mild ketosis, just tested. Just have to fight the cravings I'm having for naughty things in the cupboard. John used to demolish them all straight away but he's trying to be good and space them out now which is torturous. If I didn't buy them at all he would complain. Maybe I should just put his treats in the garage like crisps and stuff. Hopefully the K will set in and I'll grow a bit of will power!
Thinking of going for a shower now myself, just had an hour walk with Finn, having a pint of water, had a slice of ham cos just not that hungry really, hopefully k will sort you out xx
You are sensible having your shower after the walk. I wish I was just having a bit of ham. It's not actual hunger with me its in my head that I want to munch. I'll have a couple more glasses of water. Had some nice corned beef with spinach for my dinner. Haven't had spinach in a while and I really like it.
I have been internet searching for a dress for my birthday. I really want to get a size 14 dress for then. Still have quite a few inches to go but I'm gonna just try my best. So many pretty dresses and I must have them :gimi:
Hi Rach... I had a fit of the munchies today! Such a nightmare! Must be so hard having to buy naughty food for the house ! Thank goodness I don't have to do that !
Well done on the wedding ring Rach, and you will be there in no time with your engagement ring. I always lose and gain weight in my fingers quickly - maybe because it's easier noticed?
Hello everyone. Busy cooling off from my last run. Only did 10 minutes and I'm gonna do another 10 later on. I have started on the stomach excersises too in the hope that they may pull my belly in a bit. MiL is meant to be coming over today for a walk as well, so hopefully it will stay relatively dry.
I have been buying lots of dog toys this morning as it is my lovely Bruno's 3rd birthday on Sunday so they are put out of the way ready for wrapping. Yes I really am crazy enough to wrap my dogs presents, they love the paper. I will also have to get a cake! I will take lots of pictures as it's like he'll officially be an adult (forever my baby though).
I got some belly pork for lunch and it was lovely. just had it with mayo and salad. I'm feeling a bit funny and thinking that tomorrows my last day of eating before the prepartions etc. John says I should try and stick to light food so that when I take the lax stuff I haven't got as much to come out. But my heads telling me that I need to eat as I can't eat for a whole day. I'm a right fool!
I will try tomorrow. I'm so greedy though. May just stick to salads.
I'm hyper as my SiL text and said she might have news on a job for me, she is at work and said she'd be in touch later! Please please please please please let me get this job!
I have also just done my 2nd 10 minute run of the day. Thats 2 miles in total for the day. Rekon I could do another
For weigh in I have decided not to weigh this week. I would be due to weigh on Wed but given that I shall be tied to a toilet all day I won't make it to use Boots' scales. On thursday "THE" day having that done I'll not be in the mood and may still be groggy. Also I'm thinking that all this prodding etc is gonna affect me so I won't see a true weightloss if I weighed later in the week, so I'm thinking I may leave it for this week and weigh again next week. Which gives me more time (or the illusion of more time) to kick up the excersise and work hard to get rid of these inches. Right now I don't mind as much what the scale says, just need the inches down. I will stuff myself into a 14 by October!