Confessions of an Indecisive Dieter

I'm in the 180's! Yay =D been such a long time since I've seen that number. I had a slow couple of weeks, but I knew it would eventually come off, and I was right! 3 lbs this week.

I seem to average around a lb or so a week, but that is more than fine with me because I get to have a social life without worrying about counting calories or going over points. That's worked for many people, but not me. This is the longest I've stayed on a diet in 8 years. I couldn't be happier with JUDDD.

I know I could boost my weight loss if I started exercising, I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was a sloth earlier in the thread. But I'm looking forward to adding exercise and hopefully seeing that boost in weight loss, whenever I have in the past, it literally melts off me - shame I'm so lazy! I want to get to a point where I exercise for at least 30 mins a day 5 days a week, within the next 3 months. I'll be making a start on that next week, even if its only twice it's a start.

I put my christmas tree and lights up last night, I know it's early but I couldn't resist =D will be decorating it tonight with a tipple or two..


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UP day today =D had french toast for breakfast and I'm still stuffed!

Finished the tree - still not quite in the Christmas spirit like everyone else seems to be. A lot has changed this year, I got engaged Christmas eve last year, he left me 6 months later and now wants me back :-/, my teenage sister had a baby! He's adorable though. My grandparents moved from the midlands, mum moved house, sister moved towns, I moved towns, new boyfriend and a bit of weight loss.. That's a lot to change in one year. Hopefully Christmas shopping will get me in the mood!


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Crikey that is a lot to fit in one year - a lot to take in and digest over a few glasses of something nice at Xmas perhaps.

You've done well getting back into the 14's I'm almost there myself, I see we are a similar weight :) I love love your Christmas tree! My OH is always mad about putting a train around the bottom too! Its s hame as in this house we don't really have the space and had to get a boring narrow Christmas tree to fit in a specific spot.
This is freaky but my summer weight of 2010 was also 15st 10!
Thanks Louise, this is the first year I've had a train under the tree - always wanted one though. I'm like a big kid! It has a light on the front and blows smoke and everything, haha. We are a similar weight, but I'm sure you look much slimmer than me at 5'7" I wish I was taller!

Oh, and my summer weight of 2010 was 179, then I gained, but couldn't seem to lose it until recently. I guess my ticker looks a bit confusing lol.
I lost a whole 1 lb this week :/. I shouldn't feel bad about it, I'm still losing, but I so wanted to be in the 12's by Christmas!

Need to have a nose at some other diaries tomorrow, been so busy lately.
Well done on the one pound!
I'm on my phone in bed - why am i not sleeping? :-/

So Christmas is over, I weighed myself the day after boxing day & weighed exactly the same as my weigh in before Christmas :eek: I knew lots of naughtiness was to follow because of new years eve, plus the meal and goodies new years day. I weighed in yesterday and I've gained a whopping 1lb over the whole festive period! I am so happy with myself, I only had one down day last week :D I've never got through Christmas and new year (even when slim) without gaining at least 10 lbs! So so happy!

Today is my 3rd down day in a row, then I'll be back to my usual pattern of 2 double downs - mon, tues, thurs & fri.

I've also noticed that my down days seem to combat the dreaded cold. I've felt terrible a few times this past month, but as soon as I do a down day I'm back to normal. LOVE JUDDD!
My appetite has gone crazy! I blame Christmas =p. It's time to rein it in I think. Tomorrow will be my 3rd down day in a row, then I'll go back to my normal pattern of 2 double downs (mon, tues, thurs, fri) I've been mixing them up a lot lately and I think I've fallen out of my routine. I've also noticed I'm eating mainly low calorie bread on downs, with things like scrambled egg whites & low cal ice cream after. I need to go back to having healthier DD meals, fish, veg etc.

I can't start exercising yet, because I feel like absolute crap, but hopefully I'll be better next week. I want to get a good exercise routine going because I'm off to Paris in around 6 weeks. I need to be slimmerrrr! I'm even considering going back to alternate days, or a full on VLCD :/ we'll see.
I wish I could update this like I did with my older diaries :/ I'm so paranoid about my ex reading everything that's going on in my life - I shouldn't care though! Anyway, another 1 lb down lol :rolleyes:. My lil birdie on my ticker is nearly in the middle!

Hoping to be in the 12's next week! Need to feel better, then I'm going for it :D
Okay, so after my little meltdown on here last week (an ex text me saying he saw the pictures I posted on here, so I deleted them and freaked out) I've realised I shouldn't be bothered by him anymore & eventually he'll get bored and not bother looking. I never post anything exciting on here anyway!

I'd been stuck at the same weight for ages, so this last week I've kept my down day calories to 400 and added a bit of exercise. TOTM came yesterday so I wasn't expecting a loss today, but I finally dropped 2lbs taking me into the 12's! Ah I've wanted to see that number for so long now =D I'm 1 lb away from losing 40lbs so pretty damn chuffed!

I'll post the picture of the coat I want to wear in Paris in a sec, it fits (didn't at all before) but still seems to look a bit too tight, was taken 2-3 weeks ago, so maybe it will fit better now!