I'm in the 180's! Yay =D been such a long time since I've seen that number. I had a slow couple of weeks, but I knew it would eventually come off, and I was right! 3 lbs this week.
I seem to average around a lb or so a week, but that is more than fine with me because I get to have a social life without worrying about counting calories or going over points. That's worked for many people, but not me. This is the longest I've stayed on a diet in 8 years. I couldn't be happier with JUDDD.
I know I could boost my weight loss if I started exercising, I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was a sloth earlier in the thread. But I'm looking forward to adding exercise and hopefully seeing that boost in weight loss, whenever I have in the past, it literally melts off me - shame I'm so lazy! I want to get to a point where I exercise for at least 30 mins a day 5 days a week, within the next 3 months. I'll be making a start on that next week, even if its only twice it's a start.
I put my christmas tree and lights up last night, I know it's early but I couldn't resist =D will be decorating it tonight with a tipple or two..