Confused about star weeks


Full Member
I have recently found out that there are such things as star weeks and was wondering what you would class as your star week! I weigh in on a thursday but usually start my period on a friday and finish by tuesday so I'm never actually on at weigh in! would the week before my period be my star week or the week that I am actually on???:confused:

p.s sorry to any men reading this lol!!
I'm the same, I weigh on Wed but I'm on from Sunday to Tues so it's all over and done with before I weigh in lol. I think it's to take into consideration some womens cycles which are longer or heavier and who could bloat more etc.
Sunday til Tuesday?? Oh you lucky, lucky thing. HAve to say if I started on a friday, I would be really bloated and heavy, and feel like absolute crap, and doubled up with cramps on a Thursday weigh in. I think this is what it means.
